
starburks ceramic mugs How the composition of the coal said?

starburks ceramic mugs

Generally, a component of coal there are four said method:

(1) operating component notation:

C operation% + the H operation% 10 O operation% + N operation% + S operation% + A operation% + w operation% = 100%

Or: F operation% + V operation% + A operation% + w operation% = 100%

(2) dry ingredients notation:

C dry% + H dry% + O dry% + N Dry S dry% + A dry% = 100%

Or: F dry% + V dry% + A dry% = 100%

(3) the combustible ingredients notation:

C burning% + H burning% + O burning% + N burning% + S burning% = 100%

Or: F burning% + V burning% = 100%

(4) an organic component notation:

C machine% + H Machine% +0 machine% + N machine% = 100%

