
Ceramic mugs what mechanization coal? What characteristic does it have?

Ceramic mugs

Mechanized coal, is to use machine to replace the artificial coal.The coal fired tunnel kiln, is a major reform.Mechanized coal has the advantages of outstanding

expression is in the following two aspects.

(1) greatly reduces the labor intensity of workers;

(2) the coal evenly, continuously on the grate for combustion. Avoid general coal fired tunnel kiln due to artificial intermittent coal caused by atmosphere and

temperature fluctuations.If controlled well, mechanized coal tunnel kiln atmosphere and temperature is very stable.

1 for the belt conveyer, the coal from the coal storage yard to scuttle 2, bunker beneath the gate, which can control the coal quantity.Coal from the coal hopper below

the coal export landing to moving moving grate 3.The grate is composed of a series of main auxiliary fire grate, grate, grate consisting of insurance.Movable grate is

composed of a motor through a gearbox to drive.With coal in grate movement during combustion.Used for combustion air from the conduit into the.Coal moving to the other

end of the fire grate, has turned to ash falls into the pit, 7, from the slag discharging machine 8 output outside kiln.Movable grate combustion chamber is a

rectangular space.This space is divided into several combustion chamber by a partition wall.Each combustion chamber has a crater 4.Coal combustion flame from the flame

mouth spray into the kiln roasting products.The crater size, height, distance according to the kiln firing required temperature, atmosphere to determine.

Operation of the combustion chamber, the main consideration should be given to the following issues.

(1) the coal particle size, dryness and fire grate coal seam thickness;

(2) through the test, find out the reasonable speed of grate;

(3) through the test, find out the reasonable combustion air inlet content, also is to solve each combustion chamber and rational allocation of air flow problem.

From the current situation, the movable grate combustion chamber, there are several problems:

(1) as a result of not stir the seam device, the combustion chamber can only be limited to burn without adhesive or cohesive small coal.For example, a porcelain

factory test is white coal (anthracite), such as burning a relatively viscous bituminous coal, grate slag will be a problem.

(2) only from the inlet end of a coal scuttle join, often to the back of the one or two combustion chamber is almost consumed, therefore, high heat insulation furnace

often appear "temperature" phenomenon, it is not compatible with the ceramic firing temperature requirements.As in the combustion chamber kiln wall middle open several

coal adding windows, added some coal, may effect will be better.

(3) movable grate combustion chamber of coal combustion process and general coalpit is different.General coal seam structure from above:

Dry carbonization layer, reducing layer, oxide layer, the ash layer.We call it "vertical combustion".Movable grate combustion chamber is these levels spread out in a

plane, from anterior to posterior is divided into several sections: dry distillation zone, reduction, oxidation, slag section.We believe that this combustion called

"horizontal burning".Horizontal combustion, combustion air from bottom to top, into the coal seam, to help combustion the combustion chamber of the combustion of the

coal, in general, only occurs in the surface layer of coal; we just called it "an effective combustion layer".Judging from the current situation, the "effective

combustion layer" is not thick.That is to say, the grate determines the characteristics of coal seam is not easy to burn, easy to increase the coal mechanical

loss.Therefore, such as Ke deepen "effective combustion layer", but also the movable grate combustion chamber is one of the important research topics.In general, it

should adjust the thickness of the coal seam, the grate velocity, wind strength parameters to solve the.

