
coated ceramic mugs What is called the Mendeleev formula?

coated ceramic mugs

Fuel calorific value, many methods can be used to obtain, such as experimental method, formula and so on.The Mendeleev formula is used to calculate the fuel calorific

value formula.Calculation of calorific value experience formula for many, the Mendeleev formula is better, the most general, can get more accurate results, it applies

to all of the solid and liquid fuels.Use of the Mendeleev formula is the necessary condition that fuel elements.The Mendeleev formula is.

Q low =81C+246H - 26 (O - S) - 6W kcal / kg

Type Q low -- fuel of low calorific value, kcal / kg;

C, H, O, S, W -- were fuel in carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, moisture content.

Gaseous fuel calorific value generally available following the empirical formula for calculating:

Q =30.2 CO+28.2 H2+85.5 CH4+141C2H4++55.3H2S low (kcal / standard meters.)

In the formula, CO, H2, CH4, C2H4, H2S respectively for these gas component in the gas fuel volume percentage.

