
Porcelain ceramic mugs Blending is how is it?

Porcelain ceramic mugs

Production practice, a plant can not be the only one coal. Coal variety of changes in coal quality changes, changes of coal, and gave the operation brought many difficulties. To solve this problem, so that the firing operation, the product quality is relatively stable, it is in practice to find the so-called "blending" approach.

"Blending" approach, that is: according to the actual situation of the factory furnace work, to find a most suitable the factory furnace of coal, of such coal industry, that is measured. Given its volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash content, moisture content. Later several different coal, the proportion of these coals are mixed, so that a mixed coal volatile, substantially equal to the fixed carbon, ash, moisture content and the content of the past that most suitable for the kiln coal. In this way, you can change and constant seeking stability in an unstable, so that the furnace operation, fluctuations in product quality control in a small possible range.

