
hookah ceramic mugs bowl What is the standard fuel? What does it do?

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Where calorific value equal to 7000 kcal / kg or 7000 kcal / Nm fuel, known as the standard fuel.

The main role of the concept of standard fuel is easy to compare plant fuel consumption. For example: Company A production of 8 tons per ten thousand of products consumed A ground coal this calorific value of coal as a low-Q = 6000 kcal / kg; Yichang production of 7.5 tons of coal per ten thousand of the same product consumption point B, this coal the amount of heat of 6,800 kcal / kg: Yichang coal is different, it is difficult to compare them to the fuel consumption. If converted to the standard fuel, and their consumption is very easy to compare.

Company A: 8000 × 6000/7000 = 8000 × 0.857 = 6856 kilograms of

Yichang: 7500 x 6800/7000 = 7500 x 0.97l = 7282.5 kilograms of

Shows that the surface, seems Yichang Bijia plants consume coal less; fact, the large amount of the Yichang Bijia plant coal consumption.

