
Stoneware ceramic mugs What gear pump performance and the meaning of the Code?

stoneware promotional ceramic mugs The gear pump is a small, simple structure, high work performance oil pump. It covers an area of small, less power consumption, maintenance

and management more convenient, more used to transport oil, heavy oil and other oil. But if high fuel sulfur content, corrosion of metal components larger or contains hard

particulate impurities in fuel, cellulosic impurities, are not appropriate for use gear pumps pumping. Also important to note is pumped oil temperature should not exceed 60 ,

otherwise, the gear pump is easy to burn out.

Currently using more 2CY and KCB type gear pump. Are some examples of these two pump code meaning are as follows:

Example 1:2 CY-2/14.5-1 type

2 of them - said two gears;

c - a combination of two gear outer meshing;

Y - represents for transporting oil;

2 - Indicates that the pump flow rate of 2 m. / Hour;

14.5 - indicates that the pump discharge pressure for a 4.5 kg / cm;

1 - Design sequence number.

Example 2: KCB-33.3-2-type

Where K - Pump with cutting;

CB - gear pump;

33.3 - shows the amount of oil per minute to 33.3 l / min;

- Design sequence number.

