
Ceramic mugs Eco cup What is the History of Chinese white porcelain and features?

Ceramic Eco Cups mug The emergence of white porcelain celadon night, archaeologists generally believed that China's earliest white porcelain kiln with a white symbol of a certain degree kind unearthed in the tomb of Fan Cui Qi Wuping six years (AD 575), North, Anyang, Henan. Its the fetal material Suisi after washing, but still look rough, high iron content in the glaze, far less than later the Sui and Tang dynasties white porcelain fine. Such porcelain likely local mineral raw materials, slightly panning or processing, baked in an oxidizing atmosphere. In the Sui Dynasty, porcelain production process matures.

Sui Kaihuang fifteen years (AD 595) the Zhang Sheng tomb unearthed white porcelain than Fan Cui tomb is better, but still regarded as the blue and white porcelain artifacts or Shaopian white, less than Xi'an suburban hair Karen Yi Sui four years (608 AD) tomb of Li Jing training in white porcelain. In general, more mature and self-porcelain mass production to the Tang Dynasty, "the world is equally universal of Neiqiu white porcelain Ou representatives. The white porcelain than modern porcelain neiqiu not inferior. So our white porcelain of origin, according to the archaeological excavations, can be traced back to the Northern Qi Dynasty Sui Dynasty, about 1,400 years ago. The terms quite mature and reach a certain number of products that counts, should be in 1,200 years.

The northern white porcelain famous kilns in the Tang Dynasty Xing Kiln, Gongxian Zhu kiln. The Southern the production white porcelain late gradually Hing Roast white porcelain kiln to the Five Dynasties, Jiangxi Jingdezhen the wins Baitei of. After the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing all times, and the progressive development of the technological level of the Jingdezhen white porcelain. Especially after the Yuan Dynasty, with the glaze color, glaze color and painted skill development as well as the the porcelain body vitrified extent improve, quickly crossed the scope of pure white glaze, and the formation of a new white painted with glass tire porcelain combined system. Fujian Dehua kiln fired white porcelain in the Song Dynasty, then gradually developed into our unique "lard white and ivory porcelains.

Geological occurrence of clay raw materials, coupled with the furnace structure, fuel, and other factors, the aluminum content of more northern white porcelain firing temperature is also higher than in the south, about 1300 a 1350 ° C. The southern porcelain the firing temperature of 1200 ~ 1280 .Ceramic mugs Northern white porcelain of the Song Dynasty tone microstrip yellow shade more firing in oxidizing atmosphere or by secondary oxidation of iron shadow noon; south while reducing flame firing appear white Fanqing.

