
Starbucks ceramic mugs production to withdraw the United States

More U.S. companies are prepared to quietly withdraw: the day before yesterday came the news, the sportswear giant Adidas decided to close in China the only wholly-owned Adidas
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.; Starbucks also have action, ready to close its factories in China, back to the production of ceramic mugs the United States.
Yesterday, the person in charge of Starbucks Shanghai confirmed to reporters after most of the mug procurement in China. “Abandoned in China, may be is the rise in the cost of
the Ceramic mugs” Starbucks ceramic cup Factory back to the United States or other countries, there is no news. Starbucks ceramic mugsat 60-100 yuan, domestic prices of 10 yuan
or so, do they really there is no profit? Or pursuit of higher profits?

