
Ceramic mugs : high energy consumption

A) industry, the uneven distribution of production and uneven development, production and sales of imbalances

    Ceramic mugs industry produces significant regional, mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Shandong, Fujian and other provinces and cities. These areas, ceramic industry base,

Complete system, affecting a wide range, provides a lot of job opportunities, local traditional pillar industries make a significant contribution to local economic development. But

Some areas of ceramics excessive focus on the production line has been extended for business expansion, the total production continued

Expand, resulting in serious excess capacity, loss of balance between supply and demand in the region but also caused serious pollution, resource depletion. Northwest Territories,

Northeast, Inner Mongolia and other regions, the overall economic level of restrictions, although there are advantages in resources, the ceramic industry as a whole the level of

Lagged behind the development of the space is huge.

    (B) causes serious environmental pollution, high energy consumption, over-exploitation of the clay resources

Ceramic mugs industry itself is a high energy, high-polluting industries, the production process consumes a lot of mineral resources and energy, waste gas, waste water,

Waste, dust and other serious environmental pollution. In some economically developed regions of the ceramic industry, ceramic industry for air, land and intensive

Other environmental pollution was particularly serious.

