
Starbucks ceramic mugs production to withdraw the United States

More U.S. companies are prepared to quietly withdraw: the day before yesterday came the news, the sportswear giant Adidas decided to close in China the only wholly-owned Adidas
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.; Starbucks also have action, ready to close its factories in China, back to the production of ceramic mugs the United States.
Yesterday, the person in charge of Starbucks Shanghai confirmed to reporters after most of the mug procurement in China. “Abandoned in China, may be is the rise in the cost of
the Ceramic mugs” Starbucks ceramic cup Factory back to the United States or other countries, there is no news. Starbucks ceramic mugsat 60-100 yuan, domestic prices of 10 yuan
or so, do they really there is no profit? Or pursuit of higher profits?

Ceramic mugs industry is speeding up structural adjustment

The “minimum level” of the second quarter of 2012, China’s economic growth rate down to the last three years, the entity to deteriorating economic conditions. Recently, the
Foshan municipal government disclosed in the job analysis meeting, the first half of Shandong ceramic mugs industry year-on-year negative growth of 4%.
Ceramic mugs industry seems to usher in troubled times. July 11, Shanghai CIMIC tips, January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012, net profit attributable to shareholders of listed
companies is expected a loss of 92 million yuan -9700 ten thousand yuan. Late last year, Bao Li Ruijia ceramics had “dismissed the door” event has become the industry momentary
focus, more than six months after July 14, announced the closing, the headquarters of all employees were laid off. Recently, a well-known brands in Jiangxi will also set up a
marketing center in Foshan to move back. More private Projectile Factory, being silent, to fend for themselves. Shandong Xin Xiangceramic mugs, porcelain cups exports grew 28%.


Special printing industry, services, ceramic mugs

With the growth of printing technology progress and a variety of specialized needs of the special printing has been an unprecedented development, penetrated into various fields
of production, life, and formed a huge market space. When differences in management, personalized tailor-made to become the strategic choice of many printing companies, unique
specialty printing technology has also become a printing business in the market to win the initiative an important weapon.
Special printing is also known as universal printing, printing, plastics, textiles, metal, glass, ceramic mugs, leather and other specialty printing materials. Special printing
is generally printed materials are not available, will affect the five senses elements injected into the print, to enhance the performance results are better able to play an
unexpected function as a print. In other words, it is a means to improve print additional value.

Every day a new ceramic mugs every day is a good mood

Concave design in the ceramic mugs on the body, and the handle of ceramic mugs constitute a sweetly of love. Praise is that some small details, for example, the cup is always 
sold in pairs, one red and one white, the “position” Transform, and always with a very awesome visual effects out, but fall in love those people, these creative “cross” will 
make them this way; For example, each love Cup in love cup handle positions are filled with an origami made ??of hearts, the above printing the logo and other information, the 
use of can remove the “Red”, open, and became a romantic coasters


Ecological eco cups trend analysis "innovation" is the most important

Any industry development should be innovative, not innovative means to be eliminated, the same ceramic industry also need to innovate, after 20 years of development, the eco

cups industry has achieved good results, but still has a long way in the future,ceramic glass industry in China how to innovate in order to continue thriving it?
    The first is the innovation of machinery and equipment. Insightful people in mainland China introduced the first eco cups assembly line may not think of such a rapid pace of

development of ceramic industry in the past twenty years, has grown into a very large support for the major sectors of the domestic economy.

    Decades eco cups enterprises continue to face the introduction of machinery and equipment and innovation, has experienced a stage from the introduction to the creation of

domestic ceramic machinery industry is increasingly developed, part of the technology and even meet or exceed the international advanced level. Chinese ceramics machinery

developed many innovative technologies unique to China, only that people are pleased.

    The second is innovation in design of the eco cups. Foshan for the first time are catching up with China Ceramics City Ceramic Fair opened in the mine for three days at the

show on the whole, greatly Pleasant to see a variety of new eco cups, the first feeling is that Chinese ceramic patterns of R & D technology getting better and better, at least

better than expected.

    After a period of time to chat with some industry friends, know a lot of very fine ceramic pattern is imported from abroad or imitation, but also to witness the Foshan

ceramic generic technology is first-class, and gradually felt a secret hit crisis and sense of responsibility to do ceramic pattern innovation.

    The third is the culture of innovation. The product must be attached to the culture is more valuable, and we are more interested in the product culture before accepting the


Ceramic mugs : high energy consumption

A) industry, the uneven distribution of production and uneven development, production and sales of imbalances

    Ceramic mugs industry produces significant regional, mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Shandong, Fujian and other provinces and cities. These areas, ceramic industry base,

Complete system, affecting a wide range, provides a lot of job opportunities, local traditional pillar industries make a significant contribution to local economic development. But

Some areas of ceramics excessive focus on the production line has been extended for business expansion, the total production continued

Expand, resulting in serious excess capacity, loss of balance between supply and demand in the region but also caused serious pollution, resource depletion. Northwest Territories,

Northeast, Inner Mongolia and other regions, the overall economic level of restrictions, although there are advantages in resources, the ceramic industry as a whole the level of

Lagged behind the development of the space is huge.

    (B) causes serious environmental pollution, high energy consumption, over-exploitation of the clay resources

Ceramic mugs industry itself is a high energy, high-polluting industries, the production process consumes a lot of mineral resources and energy, waste gas, waste water,

Waste, dust and other serious environmental pollution. In some economically developed regions of the ceramic industry, ceramic industry for air, land and intensive

Other environmental pollution was particularly serious.