
Translation of professional terms for ceramic mugs (in Chinese and English)

Xinxiang custom ceramic coffee mug manufacturer, During the customization process of ceramic coffee mugs, communication is needed between wholesalers and ceramic coffee mug factories regarding customization issues. There are many professional terms about ceramic coffee cups in ceramic factories. However, many ceramic orderers are not familiar with customization terminology. So, we have compiled a comparison table of commonly used ceramic mug customization terms. The details are as follows:

高温陶瓷high temperature ceramic mugs

中温陶瓷middle temperature ceramic mugs 

低温陶瓷low temperature ceramic mugs 

轻质陶瓷lightweight ceramic mugs 

釉glaze, glazed mugs

原材料raw material

半透明 translucence,translucency, translucent

不渗透的 nonporous

不透明的 opaque

单色的 monochrome

镀金 gild

多色的 polychrome

高白 high white

模型、模特 model

模子 mould

耐热 heat-proof

配方 formula

薄胎瓷 thin china

彩陶器,釉陶 faience

陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china

骨瓷 bone china, bone china mugs

官瓷 mandarin porcelain, porcelain mugs

光瓷 lusterware

黑色陶器 basalt

裂变瓷 crack porcelain

裂纹瓷 crazed china mugs

米色陶器 creamware

青瓷 celadon

青花瓷 bule and white porcelain

轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china

日用瓷 household china, table ware

软瓷 soft porcelain

杀菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery

绳纹陶器 Jomon pottery

施釉陶器 slipware

炻瓷 stoneware, stoneware coffee mugs

素彩瓷 plain porcelain

陶 earthenware

陶瓷 pottery

无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware

锡釉陶 majolica

细瓷 fine china

硬瓷 hard porcelain

赭色陶器 terra sigillata

烧制 firing

转印 transfer print

釉上彩 overglazed color figure

釉下彩 underglazed color figure

