
99 technical problems in the production of ceramic coffee mugs

Xinxiang Custom Ceramic Mug Manufacturer, In the process of making pottery, under various cumbersome processes, a slight negligence may result in a work that is different from the imagination, but these small flaws can actually be avoided, but these small flaws are too "small" and often make "careless" "My dears ignore it, or are regarded as alternative beauty, so they don't care about it, and they just leave it alone. Today, I will list these 99 small flaws to my parents. There was a slight surprise in sympathy, it turned out to be like this...

1. Ceramic Mug Deformation: the product presents a shape that does not conform to the prescribed design.

2. Ceramic Mug Mouth or handle is crooked: Refers to the mouth, ears, and the height of the mouth, ears, and the height of the mouth are uncomfortable, crooked.

3. Ceramic Mug Knots: raised tumor-like solid bodies under the glaze body.

4. Ceramic Mug Blank bubble: hollow bubble raised under the glaze body.

5. Ceramic Mug Mud: Defects caused by uncleaned mud and glaze residue on the blank.

6. Ceramic Mug Lack of mud: the phenomenon of incomplete body.

7. Ceramic Mug Glaze bubbles: small bubbles on the glaze surface.

8. Ceramic Mug Blister edge: a series of small bubbles on the edge of the product mouth.

9. Billet explosion: improper moisture control of the billet before entering the kiln, local spalling caused by firing.

10. Fried glaze: the phenomenon of product glaze cracking.

11.Ceramic Mug Cracks: refers to striated defects formed by cracking of blank and glaze. Including: A, cracks: cracks covered by glaze B, glaze cracks: refers to the glaze cracked but the body is not cracked C, glaze cracks: refers to the cracks of the body and glaze.

12. Caverns: holes created by the melting of fusible substances during the firing process.

13. Ceramic Mug Spots: colored stains on the surface of products, also known as iron spots.

14. Ceramic Mug Pores: small pores (or brown eyes, pig pores, pinholes) appearing on the glazed surface.

15. Dregs falling: there are saggers and ash particles on the glaze of the product.

16. Slag sticking along the bottom edge: there are small slag particles sticking to the edge of the bottom of the product.

17. Needle points-traces left by the support on the product.

18. Sticky scar: the defect formed by the bonding between the green body and the foreign object during firing.

19. Fire thorn: a yellowish brown rough surface caused by fly ash in the flame.

20. Glaze lack: Partial deglaze on the surface of the product, including: A. Pressed glaze: strip-shaped lack of glaze at the concave joint of the green body. B. Rolling (shrinking) glaze: Rolling on both sides of the glaze to form a middle gap glaze.

21. Orange glaze: The glaze is similar to orange peel.

22. Slime and glaze strands: the strand-like phenomenon of local raised body and glaze surface.

23. Thin glaze: Because the glaze layer is too thin on the surface of the product, the phenomenon of partial glaze is not bright.

24. Dirty color: the surface of the product shows unnecessary variegated color.

25. The color is not correct: the color of the same pattern is uneven or not bright due to lack of fire.

26. Defects in drawing lines: defects in lines and edges decorated with lines.

27. Picture defects: picture defects and improper color.

28. Sticky glaze of baked flowers: colored stains and glaze damage on the glaze surface of products during the baking process.

29. Dirty soles of feet: The soles of feet are stained by other impurities.

30. The color difference of the mouth and ear joint mud: the color of the mouth and ear joint mud is inconsistent with the color of the product itself

31. Dirty gypsum: The phenomenon of discoloration of the green body due to the adhesion of gypsum.

32. Blue gold: blue phenomenon due to thin gold layer.

33. Ceramic Mug Smoky: part or all of the products appear gray-black and brown.

34. Yellow shade: part or all of the product is yellow.

35. Glaze scratches: the phenomenon of streaks and partial loss of gloss on the glaze of the product.

36. Bumping: part of the product is impacted or incomplete (or flawed).

37. Rolling marks-arc-like marks produced in rolling or knife forming.

38. Wave pattern: The wave pattern on the glaze surface of the product.

39. Stale: the process of storing the blank in a suitable temperature and high humidity environment for a period of time to improve its forming performance.

40. Formulation of blank glaze: blank, the weight percentage of various raw materials in the glaze.

41. Sieve residue: refers to the percentage of the weight of the residue on the sieve to the total weight of the dry sample after the material has been sieved.

42. Fineness: refers to the size of solid particles. In ceramic production, it is customary to use the sieve residue of a standard sieve to express.

43. Forming: the operation of making a blank into a blank with a certain shape and specification.

44. Plastic forming: under the action of external force, a method of plastically deforming a plastic blank into a blank.

45. Knife compression molding: a method in which the plastic blank placed in the rotating plaster mold is squeezed, scraped and sheared with a molding knife to form a blank. 

46. Roll forming: A method of rolling the plastic blank in the model rotating in the same direction with a rotating roller head, and the blank is uniformly expanded by the rolling force to form a blank.

46, grouting molding: inject mud into the porous model, when the injection part reaches the required thickness, remove the excess mud to form a hollow injection part.

47. Solid grouting: The water in the mud is absorbed by the model, and the injection piece is formed between the two molds, and there is no grouting method in which excess mud is discharged.

48. Dry pressing molding: a method in which granular powder with a moisture content of less than 6% is placed in a mold and directly pressed to form.

49. Semi-dry pressing molding: a method in which granular powder with a moisture content of 6-12% is placed in a mold and directly pressed and formed

50. Isostatic pressing: a method in which granular powder is compacted and formed in an elastic soft mold under the equalized pressure transmitted by a liquid or gas medium.

51. Drying of the green body: the process of removing non-chemically bound water in the green body.

52. Drying system: In order to achieve the best drying effect, the drying time and speed of each stage of the drying process, the temperature and humidity of the drying medium and other parameters are stipulated.

53. Ceramic Mug Glazing: the operation of covering a layer of glaze on the surface of the body.

54. Male mold: refers to the raised working surface, used to form the model of the inner surface of the utensil.

55. Female mold: refers to the concave working surface, used to form the model of the outer surface of the utensil.

56. Plaster mold: a working mold made from gypsum as a raw material for forming green bodies.

57. Firing: The process of firing the green body into ceramic products.

58. Biscuit: the baking process of the green body before glazing.

59. Glaze firing: the firing process of biscuit slab after glazing.

60. Second firing: The firing method of the green body is first sintered and then glaze firing.

61. One-time firing: the method of firing the product with or without glaze directly without firing.

62. Firing system: In order to fire qualified ceramic products and achieve the best firing effect, the operating parameters of temperature, atmosphere and pressure in the kiln are stipulated.

63. Oxidizing atmosphere: The gas in the kiln has the ability to oxidize, and its excess air coefficient is greater than 1. The atmosphere in the kiln is called oxidizing gas

64. Reducing atmosphere: The gas in the kiln has reducing ability, and its air excess coefficient is less than 1, so the atmosphere in the kiln is called reducing gas

65. Neutral atmosphere: The gas in the kiln does not have the ability to oxidize and reduce, and its excess air coefficient is equal to 1. The atmosphere in the kiln is called a neutral atmosphere.

66. Air excess coefficient: the ratio of actual air consumption to theoretical air consumption during fuel combustion.

67. Firing cycle: the time required by the firing curve to complete during firing.

68. Kiln furniture: auxiliary refractory utensils for firing, such as saggers and slabs.

69. Saggar: a refractory container used to hold ceramic bodies during firing.

70. Shed plate: used to support the blank refractory plate or scaffold refractory plate during firing.

71. Ceramic decoration: beautify ceramic products with craftsmanship and decorative materials.

72. On-glaze color: Use on-glaze paint or decals made from it and other decorative materials to decorate the glaze surface of the product, and it is a decoration method that is baked at a temperature below 900 degrees.

73. In-glaze color: use pigments that can withstand a certain high temperature or decal paper made of it, decorate the glaze or the glaze surface of the product, and fire at the same temperature or close to the temperature when the glaze is fired , The decorative method in which the pigment sinks and fuses in the glaze.

74. Underglaze color: Use underglaze paint or decal paper made from it to decorate the surface of the precision blank, biscuit blank, and glaze blank, and then cover with a layer of glaze, after high temperature firing The method of decoration made.

75. Porcelain: In ceramic products, the matrix is vitrified or partly vitrified, the water absorption rate is not more than 3%, has a certain degree of light transmission, the section is delicate and shell-like or stone-like, and the knocking sound is crisp. Class products.

76. Fine Porcelain: A type of porcelain with fine matrix, smooth glazed surface, and water absorption rate not greater than 0, 5% by using good quality raw materials and meticulous processing.

77. Feldspar porcelain: feldspar-quartz-kaolin three-component porcelain with feldspar as the main flux in the body.

78. Sericite porcelain: Sericite-quartz-kaolin three-component porcelain with sericite as the main flux in the body.

79. Pottery: a kind of ceramic products with basic sintered matrix, non-density, water absorption rate greater than 3%, no light transmission, rough section and dull knocking sound.

80. The amount of lead and cadmium leached out: the amount of lead and cadmium leached out after the contact surface of ceramic products and food is soaked in acid medium.

81. Particle distribution: the weight percentage of different particle grades in powder or granular materials.

82. Thermogravimetric analysis: a method to record the weight change analysis of the sample during the heating process with time or temperature.

83. Mud thixotropy: When the mud is vibrated and stirred, the viscosity will decrease and the fluidity will increase. After standing for a period of time, the mud will thicken again.

84. Plasticity: A mud mass with an appropriate amount of water will deform without cracking under the action of a certain external force, and maintain its deformation performance after the external force is removed.

85. Drying shrinkage rate: The difference between the length of the sample after molding and the length after drying to constant weight is called the dry line shrinkage rate as a percentage of the length after molding; the difference in volume is called the dry body as the percentage of the volume after molding. Shrinkage.

86. Firing shrinkage: The difference between the length of the sample before and after firing is called the percentage of the length after drying to constant weight. The difference in volume is called the percentage of the volume after drying to constant weight. Shrinkage rate of fired body.

87. Bus shrinkage ratio: the percentage of the difference between the length of the sample after molding and the length after firing to the length after molding.

88. Firing temperature: the firing temperature that enables ceramic products to have the expected performance.

89. Firing range: For porcelain, it is the temperature range from vitrified into porcelain to below the softening temperature; for pottery, it is the temperature range corresponding to the upper and lower limits of the product's water absorption .

90. The melting temperature range of the glaze is the temperature range from the initial melting temperature to the mature temperature of the glaze.

91. Transmittance: the degree of visible light through ceramic products. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the amount of light transmitted through a 1 mm thick sample to the amount of light irradiated on the sample.

92. Glossiness: the reflective ability of the ceramic surface to visible light. It is usually expressed as the percentage of the intensity of the specular reflection to the intensity of the incident light.

93. Whiteness: the ability of ceramic products to diffusely reflect visible light. It is usually expressed as the percentage of the amount of diffusely reflected light from the sample to the amount of incident light.

94. Thermal stability (thermal shock resistance): the ability of ceramic products to resist sharp changes in external temperature without cracks or breakage.

95. Pores: the pores in the ceramic matrix.

96. Open pores: pores in the ceramic carcass that are open to the atmosphere. Closed pores-pores in the ceramic matrix that are not open to the atmosphere.

97. Total porosity: the sum of open porosity and closed porosity in the ceramic matrix.

99. Water absorption: After the open pores in the ceramic carcass are saturated with water, the weight of the sucked water is dried at 110 degrees for the sample.


The reason for the cracking of the ceramic mug body

Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer, The main reasons for edge cracking include the following.

1. The drying speed of ceramic mug is too fast.

2. The lip of the vessel is too thin to withstand external force.

3. If a bulk ceramic mug utensil has just been made and cracks start to appear before it has gone through any important drying stage, it may be that the mud has been used too many times. It is also possible that the additional filler (clinker or sand) in the mud is too much. Sometimes, the recycled or reconstituted mud will become unusable because it is used too many times, such as Mud that has been drawn repeatedly on a billeting machine.

The widest part of the crack is on the lip of the vessel, which means that this is where the crack started. In the case of this type of cracking, the cause is uneven drying.

4. When glazing the ceramic mug body, when encountering a joint part with a large thickness gap, it is easy to cause the thinner part (usually the mouth of the book) to be too wet, and these parts will be in the later drying process. withstand external intrusion.

5. When the dried ceramic mug body is placed in a humid environment, the branded ceramic mug body will absorb water again. This phenomenon is quite special. Many custom ceramic mug factories personally seen an example of a semi-dry ceramic mug body that absorbs water again, and when the ceramic mug body softens to a certain extent, it is crushed by its own weight. When a dry blank is placed in a humid environment, the blank will expand while absorbing moisture again, which will cause tension in the parts where the thickness gap is large during the later drying process. Those ceramic blanks with relatively low clay content, such as some low-temperature white clay and porcelain clay, have too low green strength to withstand the tensile force generated during the re-absorption process, and many small cracks appear, and these small cracks are only in the It can only be seen after the bisque is burnt.

6. One of the most common reasons is improper trimming. The trimming tool must be very sharp and cannot be cut or scraped until the blank is semi-dry. When the ceramic mug body is too dry, its strength is very weak. In this case, the ceramic mug body is easily broken by the tool for repairing the personalized ceramic mug body. As mentioned earlier, small cracks on the outer surface of the ceramic mug body can multiply the pressure. Generally speaking, wiping the outer surface of the blank with a wet sponge after the trimming is completed can effectively prevent cracking.

7. In the field of industrialized production of ceramics, the cracking method on the edge of the plate is called "bird's beak", which is caused by improper trimming. Put the dry or nearly dry plate blank on the electric turntable, and use an "L" shaped blank trimmer to trim the edge of the plate at an appropriate angle. If the angle of the contact part between the trimming knife and the green body is not suitable, the knife edge will jump quickly and collide with or strain the outer surface of the vessel, and the resulting cracked ear sleeve will appear after firing.Many ceramic mug factory technicians have insufficient understanding of these issues.


The history of Tangshan bone china coffee mugs and how to custom

Xinxiang Custom Ceramic Mug Manufacturer, The English name of bone china is "BoneChina". It uses animal bone meal (ash) and quartz as raw materials. It needs to be fired twice at high temperature and low temperature glaze firing. The addition of animal bone meal makes this porcelain more rigid and translucent, but the greater the bone content, the more likely it is to burn during the production process, thus creating the rare and precious early bone china. For a long time, this kind of ceramic treasure has been regarded as a noble product, especially the beautiful and unique custom bone china mugs, which reflects the humanistic customs on the porcelain plate painting. It is deeply loved by the British royal family and has been listed as a leader for summit meetings in many countries tableware.

Bone china was first produced in the United Kingdom. According to records, around 1800, the British Thomas Frye accidentally mixed animal ashes in the manufacturing process and dramatically invented bone china. For more than 200 years, bone china has gradually developed into a world ceramic treasure through the hands of generations of master craftsmen.

In China, bone china has a history of nearly half a century. In 1964, Tangshan started the research and development of bone china, which was successful in 1973. Tangshan Bone Porcelain is the first in China, filling the gap in China's high-end porcelain production, and has obtained a national invention patent, opening a new era of China's bone porcelain development.

However, a catastrophe in 1976 destroyed all of this. The "7.28" earthquake destroyed all of Tangshan's ceramic industry. Unfortunately, many participants in the bone china project died, which caused the development of Tangshan bone china. A heavy blow, some precious texts and pictures have not been restored.

With the support of the state and localities, Tangshan Bone China was reborn soon after. In the 1980s, the people of Tangshan adopted the plastic extrusion ceramic forming method and successfully trial-produced the new microcomputer-controlled firing technology of the tunnel kiln. After that, two firing techniques were successfully developed. Soon, Tangshan bone china began to enter the international market. This kind of bone china independently developed and produced in China has a porcelain quality comparable to that of the British bone china.

With the improvement of people’s living standards, bone china, as a world-recognized high-end porcelain species, is increasingly sought after by people. Its market scale is gradually expanding. Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Fujian and other provinces have begun to produce bone. porcelain. However, Tangshan bone china still ocmugies a major position, accounting for about 80% of China's bone china production. It is the country's largest bone china production base.

In September 2011, to help improve the quality of Tangshan bone china products, Tangshan Inspection and Quarantine Bureau established the National Ceramic Testing Key Laboratory and became the governing unit and ceramics of the National Ceramic Testing Key Laboratory Alliance (China Huajian Ceramic Testing Alliance) Supporting product team leader unit. The laboratory's daily ceramic testing capabilities cover 42 domestic and foreign standards, and have obtained CNAS and CMA qualifications. Let the laboratory testing experts come to tell you what testing items need to be passed in the experiment to ensure that the bone china is both exquisite and high-quality.

The history of Tangshan bone porcelain coffee mugs is an important part of the history of Chinese bone porcelain mugs.

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