
Please start with an environmentally friendly ceramic coffee mugs from amazon suppliers

 From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer CO.,ltd.,No one would have imagined that every little mysterious fruit would travel all the way across the ocean and swept the West. Not only did it "get into the house", it became a must-have product for people's home travel, and it was fragrant for more than a thousand years. The history of development "goes hand in hand", and a rich culture has been derived from it.

Why coffee has such a huge magic power?

As a reminder, coffee is a must-have for many people working in the office.

Some people are accustomed to buying a mug of Starbucks coffee on the way to work, or ordering a mug of coffee during breakfast, even KFC has added the freshly ground coffee series to the menu.

If you put coffee on the map of the world, things seem not that simple. If a food wants to be popular worldwide, it must be very inclusive and malleable. Just like the ingredients in pizza can be added or subtracted as you like, the ingredients in sushi can be boldly and innovatively based on the season, and the method of coffee You can also keep exploring from time to time. In a word, no matter how great your curiosity is, a coffee mug amazon can hold it.

And today I want to talk about the coffee mug in my hand! Speaking of coffee mugs, in the past two years, more and more environmentally conscious cafes will offer some "green discounts" to encourage customers to bring their own coffee mugs (companion mugs) to minimize the waste of disposable mugs. This new way of consumption allows us to express a little kindness to the earth while saving money.

There are many brands and styles of accompanying mugs on the market. If you have difficulty choosing, you may wish to read today's article. Perhaps my accompanying custom ceramic mug manufacturer with both functionality and design is a good choice.

ceramic coffee mug amazon

About the selection principle of coffee accompanying mug

1. Choose material

2. Size capacity

3. Stability

4. Is it good to clean

Material selection: Generally speaking, the biggest key to keeping the drink delicious depends on its heat preservation and cold preservation effect. In other words, its material selection and design structure play a major role! Moreover, the accompanying mugs of certain materials are not suitable for coffee, tea and other beverages, and the odor that is difficult to eliminate will remain after a long time.

Therefore, from the perspective of heat preservation and cold preservation, "stainless steel" and "double glass" are both good choices. But glass is easy to break, so I chose 304 stainless steel.

Size and capacity: We buy the accompanying mug for the convenience of drinking on the way, but not the larger the size, the better. Coffee that is not finished in time will also affect the taste as time goes by. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a volume that you can drink in a short time. For the specific capacity, I recommend the mug in the cafe. The medium cup is about 350ml as a reference. The one in my hand is 330ml, which is almost the same.

Stability: Of course, the accompanying cup is the main thing to carry, especially when we need to go out or exercise for a long time, it is particularly important whether the close-fitting mug is stable and whether the drink inside is not easy to tip over. The lid design ceramic coffee mug of this SOG accompanying coffee mugs is very good, the mouth of the mug is protected and strengthened, and the upper part of the mug body has a good grip and will not fall easily when holding it.

Whether it is good to clean: The accompanying mug is different from the disposable mug. Cleaning is a must, and whether it is good to clean is a consideration. Generally, glass or ceramic materials are recommended. If you are worried about shattering like me, you can choose stainless steel! This type of material is easier to clean. In addition, it is recommended to choose a mug with a larger mouth and easier to remove the mouth, so that it is easier to manage. 

At present, a large number of disposable ceramic coffee mug suppliers are abandoned every year around the world, causing a lot of waste. It is said that the UK alone throws away 2.5 billion disposable coffee mugs every year, "enough to go around the earth five and a half times." Let us start today, say goodbye to disposable coffee mugs, and buy coffee with your own cup. This is exactly our small act of kindness to the earth.


Does coffee have these effects on our body with customized ceramic mug?

 From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer,Does coffee have these effects on our body?

Contemporary young people need coffee to hang themselves while studying at work, and milk tea to continue their lives after get off work. Both coffee and milk tea contain caffeine, and there may be more caffeine in milk tea than coffee!

However, in addition to coffee and milk tea, many things in our lives also contain caffeine. So what effect does caffeine have on our health?

Benefits of caffeine

1. Concentrate

This should be the well-known benefit of caffeine. Many refreshing beverages contain caffeine. This is also the main reason why people drink coffee. Caffeine can prevent the adenosine receptors in the brain from accepting adenosine, thus allowing the brain to stay awake, concentrate, and relieve fatigue. And drinking coffee regularly can also prevent dementia.China coffee mug manufacturer

2. Contraction of skin blood vessels

Studies have shown that within one hour of ingesting caffeine, the blood vessels of the skin will contract significantly, which may also explain why caffeine-containing skin care products appear. But the research is that oral skin care products are used externally, so will they have the same effect?

If caffeine-added skin care products can really improve the dark circles and edema of staying up late, it is because caffeine shrinks the blood vessels around the eyes and reduces the dark circles around the eyes caused by blood stasis. It is pale, and the tissue fluid that the blood penetrates through the blood vessels is also reduced, thereby improving the symptoms of ocular edema.

But this theory is based on our inference on the oral phenomenon of caffeine. Whether it is true or not requires experimentation to prove it! But we can get rid of dark circles while drinking coffee to get rid of our difficulties. It really kills two birds with one stone!

3. Anti-aging and whitening

According to research, caffeine can also activate autophagy through a series of complex signal pathways (A2AR/SIRT3/AMPK pathway), strengthen the ability of cells to clean up metabolic waste, and ultimately delay cellular senescence caused by oxidative stress.

There is also a saying that caffeine can also inhibit collagenase, elastase and tyrosinase, which can reduce the degradation of collagen and elastin and delay the pace of skin aging.

It is well known that tyrosinase is one of the important substances in the formation of melanin, so caffeine has an inhibitory effect on tyrosinase, which means that caffeine has the ability to inhibit the formation of melanin, just like many whitening products we know The whitening effect is also achieved by inhibiting the formation of melanin.

However, skin care products can only act on the surface layer of the skin and cannot reach the dermis layer of the skin. Therefore, it is basically impossible to achieve the desired effect by relying on skin care products. Therefore, the little fairies who love beauty should pay attention to rational consumption when consuming!

4. Reduce the incidence of skin tumors

In an article published in JAMA Dermatology, an analysis and observation of the incidence of skin cancer in 63257 people after drinking coffee concluded that a daily intake of more than 400 mg of caffeine can help reduce non-melanoma skin cancer The incidence rate. Moreover, according to existing research, it is inferred that this should be related to the effects of caffeine on anti-inflammatory and inhibiting oxidative damage.

5. Aid to lose weight

It should be a well-known fact that caffeine can help people lose weight. The principle is that caffeine can enhance the body's metabolism and energy consumption, which means that the body consumes more energy in the same time. In addition to increasing the metabolic rate, caffeine is also believed to promote fat oxidation and accelerate fat metabolism, thereby assisting weight loss.

6. Let the brain release dopamine

For many people who need to go to work and study, a cup of coffee in the morning is the beginning of the day. Some people will even say that without coffee, their ability to interact with other people will be affected. This phenomenon is scientifically based. Drinking coffee will promote the release of dopamine in the brain, which will have a positive impact on human cognitive ability.

The caffeine in coffee acts on the pre-frontal cortex, which involves cognitive behavior, complex planning, decision-making, and overall personality expression. So drinking coffee can actually help people think better.

On this point, Balzac should be the person with the most say. He has drunk about 47 cups of coffee a day for 25 years, and the reason he drinks so much coffee is that he needs to maintain a state of vigor and continuous creative inspiration, and coffee can just stimulate the secretion of dopamine to the state he wants. But we can't drink coffee like Balzac to keep in shape. After all, the principle of right amount can not only bring us a happy mood, but also bring us health.Wholesale sublimation mugs

7. Improve hormonal hair loss

Hair loss has always been a pain in the hearts of many people. I still remember that the sales volume of double eleven wigs was searched on Weibo last year. At present, there have been studies to observe whether shampoos with caffeine have anti-hair loss effects and observe The results show that the caffeine-containing shampoo still has a certain anti-dropping effect! But the strength of evidence for these results is limited. Minoxidil (drug) is currently the first choice for people with hair loss on the market.

Disadvantages of caffeine

When caffeine is consumed for a long time or in large doses (>400 mg per day), the body may experience the following discomforts:

Gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and cramps, etc.

Mental and nervous system: mental confusion, anxiety, depression, nervousness, irritability and nervous feelings, etc.

Cardiovascular: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and heartbeat. Studies have also found that caffeine can cause arteriosclerosis in patients with hypertension.

Endocrine: Excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity. This mechanism causes an increase in serum adrenaline levels.

Caffeine and pregnant women: Studies have found that large amounts of caffeine during pregnancy may cause miscarriage. In addition, caffeine can induce placental blood vessels to constrict and reduce blood flow. Caffeine may also directly affect the development of infant cells when it crosses the placenta.

Someone will leave a message in the background saying that they are prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking coffee. The more likely cause of this symptom is lactose intolerance. If this is the case, it is recommended to have this Friends with symptoms can try black coffee.

Some people say that they feel heart palpitations after drinking coffee, so they ask if coffee is bad for the heart and cardiovascular system. But in fact, caffeine is at risk only when you drink a lot of coffee, or you have heart disease. If you are healthy, drinking coffee in moderation is no problem.

For the cardiovascular system, although the intake of caffeine will cause the blood vessels to contract temporarily, increase the blood pressure and increase the heart rate, this effect will not last too long. Some researchers take half of the caffeine intake. The heart rate and blood pressure of the ingested person were measured at hour and 1 hour respectively, and it was found that there was no difference from the normal person.

How to choose the right ceramic espresso mugs?

Espresso is a unique beverage, so find a suitable container to hold them so that they can release the best aroma and taste.

Regarding the size specifications, first of all, why are espresso cups small? Because of the size of the cup, it should be the perfect size for holding suitable liquids. Compared with regular coffee, espresso has less liquid, and a single serving is only 30 ml or less. Therefore, a smaller mug can help the coffee preserve the heat aroma, reduce the contact area between the coffee and the air, and slow the coffee oxidation rate. However, the liquid content of espresso is the same as other coffees. In other words, even if the ceramic mug manufacturers is small, espresso still contains the same amount of coffee as a conventional 8-ounce cup, but it has less water, in other words, it is more concentrated.Ceramic coffee mug group

A coin has two sides, and everything has its advantages and disadvantages, so everything must be done in moderation. Regarding caffeine intake, experts suggest that the daily caffeine intake of normal adults should not exceed 400 mg, and pregnant women should not exceed 300 mg.


What else can you do besides drinking coffee? or ceramic mugs

 From China Ceramic Mug Manufacturer,In addition to roasting and drinking, coffee actually has many uses, such as cooking.

1. Coffee ribs

The marinated ribs are fried until golden, and then freshly ground coffee, grass fruit, etc. are put into the broth and boiled into coffee juice. Heat the oil in the pan, add the coffee juice, add appropriate seasonings, and put the ribs after boiling Just simmer.

The ribs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. With the bitter taste of coffee, the deliciousness of the meat is combined with the mellow aroma of coffee. It looks like a dark dish, but it has a special flavor.

2. Coffee roast beef

Fry fresh beef belly until golden on both sides, stir-fry the onion with the remaining oil until soft, add the fried beef, color with soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, add beef broth, pepper, coffee powder (can be instant Coffee), add water, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to low heat to simmer slowly, and the beef can be simmered.

The fusion of the aroma of beef and the fragrance of coffee not only removes the smell of beef itself, but also adds the benefits of coffee.

3. Coffee chicken wings

The chicken wings are marinated, and the brewed coffee or coffee powder can be added during the marinating process and then cooked.

Coffee chicken wings are used to remove fishy and greasy coffee. There are also many practices for coffee and chicken wings. Such as grilled chicken wings, stewed chicken wings and so on.

Chicken roasted with coffee has a more mellow taste. It not only removes the fishy smell in the chicken, but also adds the unique bitterness and aroma of coffee. I have to say that this method is really genius!

I do not know if you have paid attention to the existence of custom ceramic coffee mugs. Different single products use different ceramic mug suppliers to get different tastes. And if you want to make a good cup of coffee at home, don't underestimate the role of coffee mugs. It is said that coffee must be considered both inside and outside just like a person. With a proper container, the aroma of coffee will inevitably stay in the cup.

Professional coffee mug manufacturer can bring out the flavor of coffee. Because there are many kinds of them, each has its own meticulous function. Only a few representative coffee cups are introduced here. There are many materials for coffee cups, the common ones are ceramic cups, porcelain cups, stainless steel cups, bone china cups, glass cups and so on.