
The making process of ceramic coffee mugs from china xinxiang manufacturers

 From xinxiang ceramic mug manufacturer,The ceramic mug is a kind of home-made mug, which is generally used for hot drinks such as milk, coffee, and tea. Some western countries also use the ceramic mug to drink soup during work breaks. The mug body is generally standard cylindrical or similar cylindrical and has a handle on one side of the mug body. The shape of the handle is usually a half ring.

Usually the material is pure porcelain, glazed porcelain, glass, stainless steel or plastic. There are also a few ceramic mugs made of natural stone, which are generally more expensive. The ceramics cast at a high temperature of 1300 degrees have the characteristics of white as jade, bright as a mirror, thin as paper, and sound like a rock. custom sublimation mug has a long history. As a carrier of national culture, it vividly embodies the creator emotions, with the fragrance of earth, and retains the corresponding artistic image of the creator palm. It is either agitated, deep, passionate, or passionate. Reason, sometimes colorful, sometimes showing the natural color, ceramics also have its feelings, due to the fire temperature and the uncertainty of the atmosphere, the glaze color of ceramics will be different, so what you see is unique in the world s work.

Why coffee has such a huge magic power?

As a reminder, coffee is a must-have for many people working in the office.

Some people are accustomed to buying a cup of Starbucks coffee on the way to work, or ordering a mug of coffee during breakfast, even KFC has added the freshly ground coffee series to the menu.(china ceramic mug factory)

If you put coffee on the map of the world, things seem not that simple. If a food wants to be popular worldwide, it must be very inclusive and malleable. Just like the ingredients in pizza can be added or subtracted as you like, the ingredients in sushi can be boldly and innovatively based on the season, and the method of coffee You can also keep exploring from time to time. In a word, no matter how great your curiosity is, a coffee mug can hold it.


Famous coffee lovers like customized ceramic coffee mugs

 From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer, when we drink coffee, we should also choose the right mug to better release the flavor of the coffee, right?Because different coffee mugs have different effects on coffee taste. Numerous studies have shown that the shape, color, and texture of coffee mugs will affect consumers' perception of coffee taste.

You have been focusing on drinking coffee itself, but you have no snacks in the customized ceramic coffee mugs in your hand. That will only make you miss some nice coffee mugs.

Demitasse literally means half a mug in French. Espresso coffee mugs generally have a thick wall. In the standard case, they can hold 60g-90g of coffee liquid, which is half the capacity of regular coffee mugs. This is the origin of his name.Custom sublimation mug factory

In France, Demitasse not only represents the name of the coffee mug, but also represents the Espresso coffee. When you walk into a French cafe and order a mug of Demitasse, the barista will hand you a mug of single-serve concentrate.


The famous American novelist Hemingway, his representative works include "The Sun Also Rises", "Farewell, Weapon", "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "The Old Man and the Sea". You may hardly imagine such a famous novelist. At the beginning of his literary career, he was sitting at an old-fashioned wooden table in a very rudimentary cafe in Paris, facing the window open to the side street. Started his own literary career.

Van Gogh

The Dutch post-impressionist painter Van Gogh often looked for inspiration in the Algarça cafe in the small town of Al in the south of France, and painted with scenes in the cafe. Many of his classics were created in cafes, such as "Langelois Bridge", "Cafe at Night" and "Yellow House". He had a small wish during his lifetime: "Maybe one day, my paintings can be exhibited in a cafe." In 1996, 106 years after his death, he committed suicide in the cafe. A two-month exhibition of Van Gogh's paintings.


The Spanish painter and sculptor Picasso is the founder of modern art and the main representative of Western modernist painting. In 1899, Picasso, like everyone else, often spent time at the Four Cats Cafe in Barcelona. Because of his shame in his pocket, he often painted very weird comic portraits of his friends in exchange for board and lodging in the cafe. He always drank coffee while drawing portraits and pasting them on the store wall. The kind boss never expected that the generosity he gave Picasso would get such a generous return in the future.(China ceramic mug suppliers)


Austrian writer Stephen Zweig loves the Vienna Central Coffee House very much. He once described the Vienna coffee culture in the past, Cafe is always a good place to contact and receive news. To understand this, people must first understand Vienna What is a coffee shop. In fact, a coffee shop in Vienna is a cultural institution that you can't find anywhere else in the world. It is a democratic club, and the ticket is just the price of a cup of coffee."


Why are all geniuses drinking coffee? What coffee mugs do they use

 From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer,Coffee, one of the world's three major beverages, has a history of hundreds of years since its birth. Coffee shops are also a gathering place for countless celebrities and lofty figures, and thus countless wonderful fate has been born.

Do you know any interesting facts about celebrities related to cafes?

1. French Emperor Napoleon

Exchange military cap for coffee

On the eve of the French Revolution, Napoleon was just an ordinary military officer. When he was drinking coffee at the Procobu Cafe in Paris, he found that he did not have enough money for coffee, so he was embarrassed to mortgage his military cap to the coffee shop. Buddy. Because of this small episode, this cafe has an earth-shattering name-the celebrity emperor Napoleon.Custom sublimation mug factory

It is said that apart from drinking coffee, Napoleon also liked playing chess. I often go to a Regency cafe in Paris to play chess, but the skill of chess is mediocre, and there is rarely a victory, so I often complain: "This thing is not rigorous as a science, but it is too difficult as a game. Up". Until now, the Regent's Cafe still retains the copper-sided chess table used by Napoleon.

2. The famous Polish mathematicians Banach and Ulam

Banach and Ulam, the famous Polish mathematicians, like to spend a dozen hours in coffee shops. Many of their mathematical achievements are filled with the aroma of coffee. Many tables in the cafe have their advanced mathematical formulas written down. In order to save their own tables, the owner of the cafe specially prepared a book for them to use, which gave birth to the world-famous "Scottish Handbook" that has been spread to this day. There are a total of 193 mathematical problems recorded in the manual, and most of them are still unsolved.

3. German musician Bach

The famous musician Bach, who was born in an ancient town in Germany, is not only an outstanding musician, but also a loyal coffee lover. At that time, cafes were popular throughout Germany and were not only important social venues, but also important venues for small music salons.china mug suppliers

In 1732, under the influence of caffeine, Bach created a coffee musical "Musical no.211" with the theme of coffee shop, which premiered in Leipzig coffee house and was a great success. At that time, many music-loving students couldn't afford the tuition, so Bach often took them to the cafe to act in a work-study program.

4. Einstein

From his youth, Einstein often met with Solovin, Habicht and others in the Olympia cafe. While drinking coffee, they discussed mathematics, physics and other issues, discussed each other, and learned from each other. Later, they jokingly called this type of gathering the "Olympia Academy of Sciences." And this special "Olympia Academy of Sciences" had a huge influence on them later, and it also played a big role in their later great achievements.

Later Einstein also developed the habit of going to cafes. There, there was a mugs of coffee in front of him, a book in his hand, sometimes contemplating, sometimes excitedly writing and drawing on the book, sitting all afternoon. That is, in the Metropolitan Cafe, Einstein finished reading the famous book "The Value of Science."

Porcelain mugs are the most widely used coffee utensils. For a good cup of coffee, the white porcelain mugs suppliers has a smooth surface and a soft color, which is the best coffee utensil for observing the color of coffee liquid.