
How to judge the quality of ceramic coffee mugs by watching and listening

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mugs Manufacturers,How to judge the quality of ceramic coffee mugs by watching and listening.

In daily life, we deal with ceramic tableware every day, so how to identify the quality of ceramic coffee cup? The two most important keys to distinguish ceramic tableware are "look" and "listen".

1. "Look" is to observe the inside and outside of the ceramic coffee cups carefully. First, check whether the glaze of porcelain is smooth and smooth, and whether there is scratch, small hole, black spot and bubble; second, check whether the shape is regular, and whether there is deformation; third, check whether the picture is intact; fourth, check whether the bottom is flat, and must be placed stably, without burr.

2. "Listen" is to listen to the sound when you gently tap the ceramic coffee mugs. If the sound is clear and melodious, it means that the porcelain body is fine and dense without crack damage. When it is fired at high temperature, the porcelain is complete. If the voice is dumb and dull, it can be concluded that the porcelain body is cracked or incomplete. This kind of porcelain is easy to crack after cold and hot changes.

In addition, do not buy Ceramic tableware with too bright colors. In order to make the color bright, the manufacturer will add some heavy metal additives to the glaze color. Therefore, the brighter the color of the tableware, the more likely the heavy metal will exceed the standard. Long time use of such tableware will cause chronic poisoning.

Recently, I saw a lot of people saying bad things about custom ceramic coffee mugs  on the Internet, saying that ceramic tableware is not good and contains toxic substances, which should be used as little as possible or not. I think people who say these words are all idiots and lack of common sense. People in the United States and Europe regard ceramic tableware as a symbol of family life, but some people here don't understand anything and say that ceramic tableware is poisonous. They are really angry.


Six disinfection methods of ceramic coffee mugs cups and tableware

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,

1) Cleaning method

1. Scrape off most of the food residue and dirt on the surface of the ceramic mugs.
2. Wash the surface of tableware with detergent solution.
3. Finally, rinse off the residual detergent with clear water.

2) Disinfection method

1. Keep boiling and steam sterilization at 100  for more than 10 minutes.
2. The disinfectant containing chlorine shall be used for disinfection. The concentration of disinfectant shall contain more than 250mg / L of effective chlorine (also called 250PPM). All catering utensils shall be immersed in the liquid for more than 5min.
3. After chemical disinfection, the tableware shall be washed with clean water to remove the residual disinfectant on the surface.

3) Cleaning methods

1. The sterilized ceramic dining utensils should be naturally filtered or dried, and should not be dried with towels or napkins to avoid re pollution.
2. The sterilized ceramic coffee mugs factory should be put into a container that can prevent dust and flies in time.

4) Common disinfectants

1. Bleaching powder: mainly composed of sodium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide, calcium chloride, etc. When preparing water solution, add a small amount of water and paste it into a paste. Then add water edge to add the emulsion, then settle the precipitate and use the clear liquid. Bleach available
Soak and disinfect the environment, operation platform, equipment, catering equipment, tools and hands.
2. Calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder): it is fully dissolved in water during use. Ordinary tablets should be milled and added into water for full stirring and dissolution. Effervescent tablets can be directly added for dissolution. Use the same as bleaching powder.
3. Sodium hypochlorite: fully mix in water when using. Use the same as bleaching powder.
4. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (euclozin): when used, it is fully dissolved in water. Ordinary tablets should be milled and added into water to be fully stirred for dissolution. Effervescent tablets can be directly added for dissolution. Use the same as bleaching powder.
5. Chlorine dioxide: due to the instability of the prepared aqueous solution, activator should be added before use. Use the same as bleaching powder. Due to the strong oxidation, it is necessary to avoid contact with grease to prevent its oxidation from accelerating.
6. Iodophor: 0.3-0.5% Iodophor can be used for hand immersion disinfection.
7. Clean and sterilize: 0.1% clean and sterilize can be used for hand immersion disinfection.
8. Ethanol: 75% ethanol can be used for hand or operation platform, equipment and tools.

5) Example of preparation method of disinfectant

For example, 1 l of disinfectant with effective chlorine concentration of 250mg / l was prepared from each bleaching powder concentrate containing 0.25g of effective chlorine

1. Mark 1L scale line in the special disinfection container in advance.
2. Fill the container with water to the full scale.
3. Grind 1 piece of bleaching powder and add it into the water.
4. Stir until the tablet is fully dissolved.

6) Precautions for chemical disinfection

1. The disinfectant used shall be stored within the shelf life and in accordance with the specified temperature and other conditions.
2. The preparation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the specified concentration, and the solid disinfectant shall be fully dissolved.
3. The prepared disinfectant should be replaced regularly, usually every 4 hours.
4. Measure the concentration of disinfectant regularly when using, and replace it immediately if the concentration is lower than the requirement.
5. Ensure the disinfection time. Generally, custom ceramic tableware and tools should be disinfected for more than 5min.
6. The disinfectant should be completely immersed in the disinfectant.
7. The ceramic cup should be cleaned before disinfection to avoid the influence of oil scale on the disinfection effect.
8. After disinfection, wash the disinfectant with clean water.