
Healthy use of color glazed ceramic coffee cups and tableware from china manufacturers

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mugs Manufacturers,Paper cup: the outer layer is mostly attached with plastic film or wax. It is not suitable to hold the food just out of the pot.

Ceramic cup: ceramic cup, health and threat coexist

Ceramic mugs custom is one of the tableware that almost every family will use. Although ceramic tableware is relatively safe, the lead content in ceramics is inevitable in the manufacturing process. In addition, it may contain cadmium, mercury, radium and other elements. In the long-term and improper use, it is easy to cause chronic poisoning. Cadmium damages the kidney greatly and accumulates in the bone, which leads to the decrease of human immunity, joint deformation and pain.

Purchase and safe use: lead, cadmium and other elements in ceramic tableware mainly lie in glaze color. However, glaze color porcelain is easy to be identified by visual inspection and hand touch. If the picture is not as bright as glaze, the hand feel is not smooth or even the edge of the picture is convex, you should be careful. The newly purchased ceramic cup can be boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes before use, or soaked in vinegar to release most toxic substances. When using, do not use colored ceramic tableware to contain acid food.

Enamel cup: contains lead compounds such as lead silicate, which will be harmful to human body if not processed well. To buy enamel tableware, we should choose high quality products with exquisite workmanship.

Plastic cup: containing carcinogens of vinyl chloride, long-term use can cause cancer.

Glass: sometimes "moldy", with soap and other alkaline substances can be removed after washing.

Aluminum cup: Aluminum accumulates too much in human body, which will cause arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, dementia, etc. Therefore, it should be noted not to use a rice shovel to scrape the aluminum pot. In addition, it is not suitable for long-term storage of food and long-term storage of salty food.

Copper Cup: after rusting, it will produce "copper green", i.e. copper carbonate and blue alum, which are harmful substances, which can cause nausea, vomiting and even serious poisoning accidents.


The knowledge of fine porcelain ceramic coffee mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,The texture of ceramics is not as delicate as that of other porcelain, but it also makes ceramics popular with many designers. It is used to express the leisure style or traditional cultural charm.

So the key point of selection is: to see whether its utensils are out of shape, and then whether the painting process is fine.

Choice of strengthening porcelain

Mainly to see if the utensils are deformed; Bone China purchase: one heft, two look, three listen and four lift. One is to weigh the weight in your hand to see whether it is moderate; two is to see whether the glaze is mirror like and glossy, whether the color is soft, whether there is a feeling of jade, and whether the color of the picture is bright; three is to listen to whether the sound is as clear as gold stone if you tap with hard objects; four is to lift the porcelain to the light source to see its semi transparency and good bone china Transparency is high.

It should be reminded that due to the lead content in ceramic mugs, poor tableware will cause harm to human body in long-term use, so in addition to not greedy for cheap in the roadside or on the stall to buy. In the normal use process, there are also some points to pay attention to:

Before using the newly purchased tableware, it can be soaked in edible vinegar to dissolve most of the lead; in the process of using, do not use colored fine porcelain custom ceramic coffee mugs to contain acid food, so as to avoid chemical reaction; do not put the utensils with metal decorative lines and patterns in the microwave oven; when washing, add detergent with warm water, wipe with sponge or soft cloth, and then clean with clear water, Then use soft towel to wipe clean, do not use rough brush or cleaning cloth to brush, to avoid damaging the glaze of the tableware and producing scratches.

With the above knowledge you no longer for how to choose satisfactory tableware and worry about it.