
The secret of drinking ceramic coffee mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,Although the paint on the inner wall of the ceramic mug is bright, there are heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium in the glaze. Among them, cadmium and lead are easy to cause liver or other visceral poisoning, while Mercury can cause liver and kidney sclerosis. The more the glaze color, the brighter the color, the more lead, cadmium and other compounds.

When choosing ceramic mugs, don't pay too much attention to the pattern, especially the bowls with painted inner walls. The newly purchased custom ceramic coffee mugs can be soaked in vinegar for 2-3 hours to dissolve the harmful substances in the colored glaze. In addition, color porcelain should not be heated in microwave oven.


Production technology and export of Korean ceramic mugs manufacturers

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,Ceramic mugs, the traditional concept of ceramics, refers to all the artificial industrial products with clay and other inorganic non-metallic minerals as raw materials. It includes various products made of clay or mixture containing clay by mixing, forming and calcining. From the coarsest earthenware to the finest fine pottery and porcelain belong to its scope. Its main raw materials are silicate minerals (such as clay, feldspar, quartz, etc.) from the nature, so it belongs to the category of "silicate industry" together with glass, cement, enamel, refractory and other industries. The firing and application of ceramic cup has a long history in China. It has a variety of shapes, colorful colors, cool and smooth handle, easy to wash, and is loved by Chinese people. There are three ways to make ceramic cup: overglaze color, underglaze color and underglaze color. The glaze color ceramic is made of flower paper made of pigment and pasted on the glaze or directly painted on the product surface, and then baked at low temperature. Because the baking temperature cannot reach the melting degree of the glaze layer, the flower surface cannot sink into the glaze. Touch the glaze color ceramics by hand, and feel the obvious concave convex feeling of the flower surface;

The baking temperature of the color ceramic in the glaze can make the glaze melt, and the pigment can sink into the glaze. After cooling, it is covered by the glaze layer. The surface of the product is smooth, and there is no obvious concave and convex feeling when touching. All the color ceramic coffee mugs factory the glaze is decorated on the porcelain body. After the glaze is applied, it is fired once at a high temperature, and the flower surface is covered by the glaze layer, which looks bright, flat and smooth.


The difference between different materials of custom ceramic coffee mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,tableware is an indispensable daily necessities for people to eat three meals a day, but some tableware will cause disease if not used properly. The following tableware must be careful when used. Bamboo and wood tableware: the tableware itself is not toxic, but it is easy to be polluted by microorganisms. When using, it should be brushed clean. The painted bamboo and wood tableware is harmful to human body.

Paper mugs: it will not infect diseases, but the discarded paper tableware will pollute the environment.

Glass mugs: the glass tableware is clean and sanitary, but sometimes it will be "moldy". Generally, the moldy spots can be removed after washing with soap and other alkaline substances.

Plastic mugs: it has strong water resistance, but contains chloroethylene carcinogen, which can cause cancer if used for a long time.

Aluminum mugs: excessive aluminum accumulation in human body will cause arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, dementia and other diseases. Therefore, care should be taken not to scrape the wall with an aluminum spatula. In addition, it should not be used for long-term storage of food and long-term storage of salty food.

Iron mugs: not toxic, but rusty iron tableware should not be used, because rust can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other phenomena. In addition, it should be noted that oil should not be placed in iron vessels for a long time, because iron is easy to be oxidized and corroded.

Copper mugs: this kind of tableware is golden in color and gorgeous in appearance, but it will produce "copper green" after rusting, that is, carbon copper and blue alum, which are toxic substances, can cause nausea, vomiting, and even lead to serious poisoning accidents.

Ceramic coffee mugs custom: ceramic tableware has beautiful appearance, crisp texture, and good heat insulation performance. However, the glaze in ceramics contains lead, which is toxic. If you take too much lead, it will damage your health.

Enamel mugs: this kind of tableware contains lead silicate and other lead compounds. If it is not processed well, it will be harmful to human body. Therefore, when purchasing enamel tableware, it is better to choose high-quality products with exquisite workmanship.


Maintenance of colored pottery custom ceramic coffee cups factory

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mugs Manufacturers,Caitao was first found in the Neolithic cultural site of Yangshao village, Mianchi, Henan Province in 1912. It is an outstanding art craft in ancient China. Because of its long history, exquisite technology and scientific research value, it has a very high collection value. In particular, the colored pottery of Majiayao culture in Qinghai and Gansu areas in the upper reaches of the Yellow River is famous for its beautiful shape and gorgeous patterns. The more famous ones in modern times are Yunnan colored pottery with exquisite workmanship and beautiful patterns. How to maintain the painted pottery is the concern of some collectors. Next, the author from the main diseases of pottery, cause analysis and treatment of three aspects of the shallow view.

Dragon general bottle painted pottery

I. main diseases of colored pottery

In the long-term underground burial, colored pottery is eroded by various physical and chemical reactions with different intensities. The unearthed painted pottery has some hard dirt on the surface of the pottery, some even cover the whole painted pottery, which affects the appreciation and research of the decorative pattern of the painted pottery. After the pottery was unearthed, some changes took place after encountering air, especially after the pottery buried in the salt and alkali land was unearthed for a period of time, some of its surface was white, some of its surface was peeling off, some of its surface was peeling off, some even its body was loose and peeling off, which seriously damaged the pottery.

II. Analysis of the causes of the diseases of colored pottery

The colored pottery is made of red clay at 680 to 1000. Under normal condition, the physical and chemical properties of colored pottery are relatively stable, and it has good mechanical strength and water resistance. However, due to the relatively loose structure of the ceramic body, the ceramic has a strong adsorption. The buried time of painted pottery is more than 3500 years, and some even reaches 6000 years. In these long years, the soil contains a large number of soluble salt and alkali substances of calcium, sodium and magnesium plasma, which are continuously absorbed into the body of pottery and accumulated, so the unearthed colored pottery has a high content of salt and alkali. Some calcium and silicon compounds in the soil are firmly adsorbed on the surface of colored pottery, which will form white, hard and water-insoluble hard scale to cover the surface of colored pottery. After the pottery was unearthed, its preservation environment has changed greatly. The unearthed painted pottery is greatly affected by the surrounding humidity and temperature. Some salt and alkali substances in the pottery body will have physical and chemical reactions after contacting with the water and other substances in the air. When the surrounding humidity is high and the temperature is low, the salt and alkali components in the ceramic body will absorb moisture and dissolve; when the surrounding humidity is low and the temperature is high, the salt and alkali components in the ceramic body will lose water and crystallize. When the salt and alkali components are separated from the surface of the pottery, the surface of the colored pottery will be white. At the same time, the phenomenon of "hot expansion and cold contraction" and "dry expansion and wet contraction" will occur repeatedly, which will make the structure of pottery loose, the surface of pottery peeling off, and the decorative pattern of colored pottery peeling off.Stoneware Coffee Mugs

III. treatment methods for diseases of colored pottery

One is to strengthen the loose colored pottery. For some loose colored pottery, the first step is to strengthen. Generally, a new polymer PS with good compression resistance, dry and wet cycle resistance, freeze-thaw resistance and no influence on the color of the pottery can be selected as the reinforcing agent. Reinforcement shall be carried out from the surface to the inside. A certain amount of low-speed PS material was absorbed by a straw, and then dropped to the loose part of the ceramic body one by one, so that the PS material slowly penetrated into the ceramic body. Then gently pinch with hand to check whether it is fixed. After it is fixed, spray, dry and spray again, repeatedly until PS material can not penetrate.

The second is to dilute the salt and alkali components in the body of pottery. Removing the salt and alkali components is the key link of maintaining the painted pottery. Generally, the physical principle of ion permeation can be used to dilute the salt and alkali components in the painted pottery. For the pottery with good firmness and white surface, it can be soaked in cold boiled water or distilled water for a day or two, during which water should be changed for many times. After the salt and alkali components in the pottery are diluted thoroughly, it can be dried in a dry environment. It should be noted that the water used should not be tap water, because the tap water is put with bleaching powder or liquid chlorine in the production process, and the hypochlorite ions formed in the water are oxidizable and easy to corrode the decorative patterns of colored pottery. In addition, the water quality in some areas is relatively hard, and it is easy to scale on the surface of painted pottery. For the loose colored pottery, it is necessary to reinforce, then dilute, and finally reinforce.

The third is to remove the hard dirt on the surface of colored pottery. Some salt and alkali substances, such as calcium carbonate, which are difficult to dissolve in water, are attached to the surface of painted pottery after it is unearthed. These substances cannot be removed by washing and dilution. In general, the chemical and physical properties of these attachments are relatively stable, and they do not harm the painted pottery. As long as they do not affect the decoration, they generally do not need to be removed. When there are too many adherents that affect the decoration of colored pottery, strong acid without oxidization can be selected. They can be removed by the principle of acid-base chemical reaction and chemical reaction between strong acid and weak acid, weak alkali salt. When descaling, a certain amount of dilute hydrochloric acid can be suck on the surface of the painted pottery, and the attachment will produce hissing sound and foam, accompanied by pungent odor.custom ceramic coffee cups factory, After removing the attachment, rinse it with clear water, then with soda water and residual hydrochloric acid, and finally rinse it with clear water. If there is a small amount of attachment that can not be removed by hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid can be used. The use method is the same as hydrochloric acid. It should be noted that the acid and alkali resistance of colored pottery is relatively poor, and the "fire" of dosage and time must be taken into account when descaling. After removing the attachments on the surface of the painted pottery, the decorative patterns can be reinforced according to the situation.