
Classification of Ceramic Tea cups

From Xinxiang Tea cups Manufacturer,China is an ancient country of ceramics with a long history of ceramics culture. There are many kinds of ceramics in China. Teacups are classified as follows:

According to the types of ceramics: At present, the main circulation in the market are domestic ceramics, bone ash ceramics, compact domestic ceramics, under-glaze (medium) color domestic ceramics, daily fine ceramics, ordinary ceramics and precision ceramic cookers, etc. Apart from bone china, other products are classified into inferior products, first-class products and qualified products according to the size or extent of appearance defects.

According to the ceramic tea cups, it can be divided into hard and soft ceramics. Hard ceramics are mostly fired at one time at high temperature, while soft ceramics are mainly fired at low temperature glaze at high temperature. Due to the different firing temperature and raw material formula, relatively speaking, soft ceramic glaze contains more low melting point oxides. So the glaze hardness of hard porcelain is bigger than that of soft porcelain. It is not easy for knives and forks to scratch marks when they are used. However, the glaze smoothness and brightness of soft porcelain are generally better than that of hard porcelain, which is comparatively mild and nourishing by naked eyes.

According to the decorative pattern of the flower surface, it can be divided into glaze color, glaze color, glaze color, glaze porcelain and some unpolored white porcelain according to the characteristics of the flower surface.

Overglaze colored ceramics are products made by pasting the flower paper made of ceramic pigments on the glaze or painting directly on the surface of the product with pigments, and then roasting at 700 ~850 ~C. Because the roasting temperature did not reach the melting temperature of the glaze, the flower surface could not sink into the glaze, but could only adhere to the surface of the glaze. If touched by hand, the appearance of the product has a concave and convex feeling, and the upper and lower unevenness can be observed with the naked eye.

The roasting temperature of colored ceramics in glaze is higher than that in glaze, reaching the melting temperature of glaze. Ceramic pigments sink into glaze when glaze melts, and are covered by glaze after cooling. Touch the surface of the product by hand, smooth as glass, without obvious concave and convex feeling.

Subglaze colored ceramics is a traditional decorative method in China. All the decorations of the products stop on the ceramic body and are fired at a high temperature after glazing. This kind of product is the same as the glaze color. The surface of the flower is covered by the glaze layer. Its appearance is bright and smooth, and it feels uneven from top to bottom.

Colored glazed porcelain is a kind of high-temperature color agent in the glaze of ceramics, which makes the glaze of fired products show a certain color, such as yellow, blue, bean green, etc.

White Porcelain White Porcelain usually refers to ceramics without any decoration, which sells little in the market.

Compared with the above decoration methods, the traditional blue and blue flowers are the main decoration methods, and the color comparison is monotonous and the price is moderate; the color in the glaze is richer than the color under the glaze, the product level is higher, but the process requirements are strict, and the cost is high, the price is high, and the current production in the industry is not large, so the domestic market investment is also small; It has strong sense, convenient processing and relatively low cost. At present, over 80% of the products on the market in China are glazed ceramics. Some glaze products have also reached a high-end level, new style, good quality, high price, can meet the needs of the urban high-wage class and high-end hotels, but most of them belong to middle and low-grade products, the price is moderate, and meet the needs of ordinary people's family life.


Anti-virus methods for ceramic cups of various materials

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,The safety of cups has become a hot topic in recent years. According to experts, most of the cups, whether plastic, ceramic or metal, are safe. However, if the characteristics of various cups are ignored in the application, the toxicity of cups may endanger health.

1. Plastic cups are most afraid of high temperature.

Not long ago, there were reports in the United States that plastic kettles had potential health hazards, which aroused people's doubts about the safety of plastic products. Food safety experts say plastic cups are best not colored. Many plastic cups have beautiful color patterns on the surface. If the contents of lead, cadmium and other metal elements in the patterns exceed the standard, they will cause harm to the human body. There is a maintenance film on the surface of ordinary plastic products. Once the film is cut by hard ware, harmful substances will be released. The surface of inferior plastic cups is often not lubricated and harmful substances can easily leak out.

Consumers should try their best to choose plastic cups without decorative patterns, colorless and tasteless, bright appearance and strong handle. Because coloring must take part in some additives, the safety of products will be reduced. For example, if you put oil, vinegar, beverage in a colored plastic bottle, you will dissolve a part of the color masterbatch, which will be harmful to your health.

At present, most of the custom ceramic coffee cups sold on the market are polyethylene and polypropylene products, both of which can withstand high temperatures of more than 100 degrees Celsius and are comparatively safe to use. Consumers should pay attention to whether the words PE (polyethylene) and P P (polypropylene) can be labeled on the goods when choosing.

In addition, pay attention to temperature when using plastic products. Usually plastic products have a temperature-resistant range, even at about 110 degrees Celsius. For example, environmentally friendly fast food boxes can be safely used as long as the temperature does not exceed 120-130 degrees Celsius; rigid plastic cups, boxes, etc., the temperature range of qualified products can be as high as 160 degrees Celsius, even with microwave oven hot rice, hot milk will not produce toxicity.

2. Boiling-detoxification of ceramic mugs

Ceramic mugs are one of the most commonly used cups in most families, but the glaze on the surface of ceramics may become a killer of health. Lead, mercury, radium and cadmium are harmful elements in the glaze. Radioactive elements radium can kill white blood cells. Cadmium and lead can cause liver or other visceral poisoning. Mercury can cause liver and kidney cirrhosis. When using unqualified ceramic products, these harmful substances will dissolve. As food enters the human body, chronic poisoning will occur over a long period of time.

Ceramic cups must be purchased in the right market, and inferior products must not be purchased cheaply. When purchasing, pay attention to the color of the cup. Touch the outside of the cup with your hand to see if the inner wall is bright. At the same time, use your nose to smell if it smells bad. Boil the cup in boiling water for 5 minutes before use, or soak it in vinegar for 2-3 minutes to dissolve the toxic substances in the cup.

3. Anti-acid and alkali corrosion of stainless steel cups

Although stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion than other metals, if improperly used, trace metal elements in stainless steel will also accumulate gradually in the human body, reaching a certain amount will endanger human health, such as nickel is a carcinogen. Therefore, when using stainless steel cups, special care should be taken not to store strong acid or alkaline food for a long time to avoid the dissolution of metal elements such as chromium and nickel. Stainless steel utensils should not be used to boil Chinese medicines in order to prevent stainless steel from reacting with alkaloids and organic acids in Chinese medicines under heating conditions to produce more toxic chemicals. At the same time, it should be noted that stainless steel cups should not be washed with strong alkali and strong oxidizing agents; if stainless steel cups are found to be deformed or damaged, they should be replaced in time.

Experts also warn against using aluminium cups as much as possible, because too much aluminium accumulates in the body can cause intellectual decline. Aluminum cups can't be used with iron cups. Chemicals can cause more aluminium ions to enter the food.


A Good Choice of Custom Ceramic coffee mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturer,The Chinese nation is a nation of etiquette. Since ancient times, as the symbol of Chinese civilization, ceramics and silk have always been the courtesy of exchanges advocated by the people. Porcelain gifts have become an important category of modern family and business gifts, which take ceramics as a gift element, carrying friendship and transmitting culture.

1.Classification of Ceramic Gifts

Ceramic gifts are mainly divided into two categories: daily ceramics and process ceramics. For a long time, craft ceramics, with its exquisite art, have always been the leading ceramics gifts. With the development of science and technology and the improvement of living standards, people's demand for ceramics for daily use is also increasing and improving. A batch of high-quality and healthy ceramics for daily use are becoming more and more popular.

2. Major Origins of Ceramic Gifts

(1) Jingdezhen is an ancient town of Chinese ceramics. Its ceramics gifts are mainly handicraft ceramics, which are well-known both at home and abroad.

(2) Zibo is a famous ceramics city in China. It has formed an important ceramics industry. In recent years, with new ceramic materials and new technology, Zibo has developed a number of high-quality daily-use ceramics, which have attracted the attention of the leadership of the state. There are Huaguang, Xinxiang and other important manufacturers.

(3) Tangshan is a famous ceramics city in the north, especially bone china.

(4) Chaozhou Chaozhou Porcelain is characterized by its clean and flawless mud, concise and elegant objects, which play an important role in the field of China's ceramic sculpture. In addition, craftsmen are good at innovation, and innovation can occur at every stage, so that their works can always conform to the aesthetic trend of the times. Mainly export daily use, display porcelain.

3.Main Characteristics of Ceramic Gifts

(1) Health is the first element of high-quality ceramics gifts. With the improvement of people's living standard, people pay more and more attention to the environmental protection and health of daily-used ceramics. Domestic ceramics are pursuing leaching of lead-free chromium in production process. At the same time, a batch of anti-bacterial ceramics, easy cleaning ceramics, living water ceramics and other eco-healthy ceramics have been produced, which has won high praise in the market.

(2) Fine Bone china mug is the highest-grade porcelain. The basic ceramic material used in bone china is animal bone charcoal (from tricalcium phosphate in animal bones). Bone porcelain has long been the exclusive porcelains of the British Royal and noble. It is recognized as the world's top-grade porcelains. It is known as thin as paper, white as jade, bright as a mirror and loud as a gown.

(3) Combination of technology and practicability. The trend of daily-used ceramics becoming more and more prominent is that the process ceramics become more and more practical. People use healthy ceramics at the same time, there are corresponding spiritual needs.

4. High-grade ceramics gifts symbolize taste

Ceramic has a long history and inherits culture. It is the symbol of prosperity and prosperity of Chinese civilization. Porcelain has long been one of the main tributes of the royal family and exported to the ocean. Ancient nobles used precious porcelain to show their luxury and dignity. Scholars are elegant and elegant in porcelain, reflecting their taste. Therefore, high-grade ceramics gifts are a symbol of noble and extraordinary taste.

5. Customization of Ceramic Gifts

With the development of ceramics gifts, more and more people prefer personalization. Some of them engrave their handwritten names on ceramic cups and utensils, some bake their works on ceramics, and others engrave their blessings on ceramics during festivals. Others engrave their personal portraits on ceramics to show their personality and respect. In general, because of the small quantity of customization, many enterprises generally do not accept the production, mainly considering the cost of kiln use. But there are a small number of enterprises in Zibo, quietly nurturing the market. Companies like Bona Technologies have successfully customized their products for individuals. It can be seen that the customization of ceramics gifts has revealed the fashion of ceramics gifts. In the near future, it will be a new star in the ceramics gifts industry.


Development of Tea Cups and Saucers in China

From Xinxiang Tea Cups and Saucers Manufacture,As the saying goes, seven things open the door, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, tea is people can not leave. Because people are closely related to tea, over time, there are many fastidious ideas about the types of tea, the water for cooking tea, the method for making tea, the utensils for drinking tea, and the rites for respecting tea. As a result, a rich and colorful tea culture emerged.

China is the home of tea, tea drinking has a long history. As early as the Three Kingdoms Period, people in Jiangnan had the habit of drinking tea. By the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the scholar-bureaucrats had formed the trend of drinking tea. In the mid-Tang Dynasty, tea shops specializing in tea began to appear in some large cities. Tea in the Jianghuai area is shipped and sold by businessmen to various places. Bai Juyi, a famous poet, wrote in his long poem Pipa Xing that the merchant paid more attention to profit than to departure, and Fuliang bought tea the month before. Fuliang, now Jingdezhen, was the tea distribution center at that time.

China is also a country of porcelain, and its ceramic culture is extensive and profound. Once tea culture and ceramic culture collide, they complement each other and improve cultural taste. The first monograph on tea in the world is the Book of Tea written by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty, which talks about the relationship between the color of tea soup and the color of ceramic tea sets. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, there was the custom of fighting tea. The princes and nobles and the common people competed to enjoy it. The so-called tea fighting is to place the tea cake in the cup, wash it with boiling water, and win or lose according to the color and quality of the soup flower. Tea cups are the most important thing in tea fighting. Most Song people regarded the black glazed pottery with partridge spots or rabbit hair or oil droplets fired in Fujian kiln as a treasure. Today, at some construction sites in Nanjing City, we can often pick up samples of this kind of porcelain. It can be seen that the "beautiful land in the south of the Yangtze River, Emperor State of Jinling" in Nanjing was at the height of tea fighting.

When it comes to tea cups and saucers, the most precious one is Yongle blue and white cups in Ming Dynasty. Its beautiful shape, elegant decoration, pure cobalt orchid, very aesthetic. Such noble cups are exclusively for the Royal Palace and noble families, and the quantity of them is naturally very small. According to records, there are few remaining Wanli Period. Although there are imitations in all dynasties, it is difficult to achieve its artistic height. At present, there are
only three Yongle cups in the world, which are rare treasures, and not to mention the original, even the fragments of the previous dynasty's imitations are rare.

Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, tea-making in pots has gradually become a fashion, among which small and simple purple sand teapots are most praised. Because purple clay pots have more advantages and characteristics than silver, tin and porcelain pots, it can be said that each is a delicate work of art. Li Yu said:'The essence of a pot is nothing better than the envy of the sun. 'Yangxian is Yixing, Jiangsu Province.

Cao Xueqin is a master of tea ceremony. In his Dream of Red Mansions, 97 stories about tea were written back. The most brilliant 41 chapters "Jia Baoyu Pin Tea Quecui Ancient". Miaoyu's tea for Jia Mu and others is Laojunmei, water is the rainwater of the old year, tea sets are colorful bells in kilns and white cups in official kilns. It's extraordinary, but it's different from the body tea that Baochai and Daiyu eat. Tea sets are made by Wang Kai and appreciated by Su Shi. They look like bowls and have little "dots and rhinos" with the letters of pendulous beads. Water is the snow on plum blossoms harvested five years ago. It is natural and mellow. This fully reflects the style of Chinese nobility, and is probably the highest level of tea culture.