
Points for Attention in Choosing Ceramic Dinnerware Manufacturers

From Xinxiang Ceramic Dinnerware Manufacturers,For ceramic tableware containing food, attention should be paid to the decoration of the contact surface with food.

Ceramic Dinnerware for acidic food should be selected as far as possible with less surface decorative patterns.

Attention should be paid to whether the color of the pattern is bright or not. If it is not bright, it may be that the temperature does not meet the requirements when baking flowers. The lead and cadmium dissolution of this kind of ceramic tableware products is often higher.

Special attention should be paid to those ceramic tableware which can erase patterns by hand. This product has high lead and cadmium dissolution.

For ceramics dishware, you can soak it in vinegar for several hours. If you find obvious color changes, you should abandon it.

When choosing products for microwave ovens, we should avoid products with metal decoration, such as products with gold edge, silver edge or inlaid patterns with gold paper, wire and wire.


How to Solve the Smoke on the Surface of Ceramic Coffee Mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Coffee Mug Manufacturers,Ceramic coffee mugs are partly or wholly gray, brown or impure white, and their cross sections are also black-brown. The main reason is that carbon is deposited in the body glaze. Before the glaze melts, there is no oxidation elimination. After the glaze melts, carbon is deposited on the glaze surface.

The main causes of carbon deposition on the glaze are as follows: 1. the chimney exhaust force is too weak, the pre-tropical smoke lasts too long, and the flame velocity is too slow; 2. when the truck or kiln is full, the box pillar is too tight and the flame flow is not smooth; 3. the coal-fired tunnel kiln, because of the rapid addition of coal, the fire is not clear and burned, causes the pre-heated flue gas to be too thick; 4. if the inverted flame kiln is used to burn, the coal seam is too thick. 5. Coal quality is poor and the flame is short, such as too strong exhaust force, which makes the upper tribal fires easy to clear, while the lower tribal fires are difficult to clear smoke. If the coal quality is too good, volatile matter is high, it is also easy to make the atmosphere difficult to convert. 6. Carbon monoxide content in the oxidation zone of oil-fired tunnel kiln is too high; 7. During the high heat preservation stage of tunnel kiln, it burns too fast and the rapid cooling gas curtain opens too small, which results in smoke. Gas reflux; 8. insufficient oxidation atmosphere, incomplete oxidation decomposition or reduction atmosphere, glaze fully melted, not yet finished reduction; 9. Pre-tropical temperature is too low; 10. In glaze preparation, too many calcium-containing raw materials or too much alkali powder in grout.

In view of the above situation, the measures to solve the problem of fumigation on the surface of custom ceramic coffee cups should start from the following aspects: 1. strictly control the atmosphere in the kiln, pay attention to ventilation in the oxidation stage, oxidation should be carried out sufficiently and appropriately, reduction should not be too early or too late; 2. Master the moisture content of the kiln body, properly increase the pretropical temperature, properly code the main box, and strengthen ventilation; 3. Open the atmosphere curtain, and add more ventilation. Big two times air volume and excess air volume can make free carbon completely burned in the pretropical zone; 4. Keep the pressure system stable in the kiln to prevent the back flow of flue gas; 5. Reduction atmosphere should not be too dense in the high-fire insulation stage, and smoke and coal should not be added, and the flame in the furnace should be blue and yellow before coal addition; 6. Reasonable use of quench curtain, in order to prevent the back flow of flue gas, should be sealed in the glaze layer. Before the end of the strong reduction atmosphere; 7. Coal kiln should be based on the coal quality, climate conditions, determine the size of the pumping force, if the volatilization of coal is too high when burning, can increase ventilation, accelerate the pre-burning zone falling smoke. If the volatilization of coal is too low and the fire-holding time is short, the ventilation can be reduced appropriately to make the upper and lower alignment. The order of fire falling should be pre-tropical before firing to prevent smoke storage in pre-tropical zone. 8. Adjust the content of calcium oxide in glaze to make it appropriate. 9. The dielectric in grouting material can be mixed with sodium humate and sodium silicate to reduce the amount of alkali powder.


Ceramic Cup Safety Knowledge Lead and cadmium 3

From Xinxiang Tea cup Manufacturers,If we pay attention to the quality control of various production links, the problem of lead and cadmium exceeding the standard can be overcome. According to the previous state supervision spot checks, not all products exceed the standard. In the first quarter of 2000 and the second quarter of 2001, the state carried out two successive spot checks on daily-used ceramic dietary utensils. It was found that about 16% of the glaze top coatings were inspected. The lead decoration products are not qualified. These products are mainly produced by small enterprises of individual, private and family workshops. The products produced and sold by large-scale enterprises and regular dealers in big cities are relatively guaranteed in quality.

In addition, previous spot checks also found that the blue pigments in ceramic pigments lead dissolution is higher, if the amount of product decoration is too large, it is easy to lead to product over-lead, which is brought to the attention of consumers.

Generally speaking, we should pay attention to the following two points when choosing and purchasing household ceramic tea cups:

1. Appearance quality ceramics products are inevitably defective due to the complex production process. When choosing and purchasing, we should choose products with no obvious defects on the surface and regular shape. When choosing bowl and plate products, several products can be stacked together to observe the distance between them, the distance is uneven, indicating that the shape of the device is irregular and the deformation is large. For a single product, it can also be buckled back on the glass plate to observe whether it is consistent with the glass plate, in order to judge the size of its deformation. Porcelain products, can be held in the hand, tap the edge of the mouth with your finger, if a hoarse noise, indicating the existence of cracks.

2. The leaching amount of lead and cadmium in the glaze and under-glaze products of colored porcelain products is very little or almost no, so they can be purchased safely.

Choosing and purchasing glazed products should be treated differently according to different purposes of use:

For utensils containing food, attention should be paid to the decoration of the contact surface with food.

For acidic food products, decorative designs should be selected with fewer products than the whole product.

When choosing and purchasing, attention should also be paid to whether the surface of the pattern is bright. If it is not bright, it may be that the sintering temperature does not meet the requirements, and the leaching amount of lead and cadmium from such products is often higher.

Particular attention should be paid to those floor stalls whose patterns can be wiped off by hand. The leaching amount of lead and cadmium is very high.

For products that are not at ease, they can be soaked in vinegar for several hours. If the tone changes obviously, they should be discarded.


Ceramic Cup Safety Knowledge Lead and cadmium 2

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,China has always been a big producer of ceramic mugs, with a wide variety of products. From the point of view of ceramics, there are eight corresponding product standards, including daily-use ceramics, daily-use celadon, blue and white and blue-and-white exquisite ceramics, bone china ceramic mug, Jianbai ceramics, fine ceramic mug, and some traditional ceramics with local color, such as Cantonese and pink ceramics. Due to different production processes, different raw materials and decoration methods, their technical requirements are also different, but as far as standards are concerned, the main difference is that the requirements for water absorption and thermal stability are different. Fine ceramics have high water absorption, but the requirements for thermal stability are higher (200/20 C does not crack). The water absorption of other products are all below 3%, and most of the provisions are not more than 0.5. Only celadon and bone ash ceramics have low thermal stability, passing at 160/20 and 140/20, respectively. Generally speaking, under the condition of certain water absorption, products with good thermal stability have long service life. Most of the products produced in our country can meet the requirement of 180/20 C non-cracking.

If the products are classified according to the porcelain quality, they can be divided into hard and soft porcelain. Hard ceramics are mostly fired at one time at high temperature, while soft ceramics are mostly fired at low temperature. Because of different firing temperatures and different raw materials, soft ceramics have relatively more low melting point oxides. So the glaze hardness of hard porcelain is bigger than that of soft porcelain. It is not easy for knives and forks to scratch marks when used, but the glaze smoothness and brightness of soft porcelain are generally better than that of hard porcelain. The naked eye observation is softer and moist.

According to the different decoration methods of products, there are different kinds of glaze color, under-glaze color and in-glaze color ceramics. The leaching amount of lead and cadmium in ceramic products mainly comes from the glaze decorative materials on the surface of the products, such as custom ceramic mugs decals and ceramic pigments for producing decals. Because these pigments generally contain a certain amount of lead, some contain cadmium, if the preparation process is not appropriate, the design of flower paper is unreasonable or the color firing conditions are not suitable, this kind of lead (cadmium) compound will be leached out of acidic food, once eaten, it will cause different degrees of harm to some organs of the human body.

Overglaze colored ceramics is a kind of product which is pasted on the glaze or directly painted on the surface of the product with the colored paper made of the overglaze ceramics pigments, and then baked at 700-850 degrees C. Because the barbecue temperature does not reach the melting temperature of the glaze, so the flower surface can not sink into the glaze, only close to the surface of the glaze. If you touch the surface of the product with your hand, you can observe the unevenness with the naked eye. Overglaze color ceramics have the quality worries of super lead.

The firing temperature of the glaze-colored ceramics reaches the melting temperature of the glaze. The ceramic pigments sink into the glaze when the glaze melts and are covered by the glaze after cooling. This product has a smooth visual surface and a glassy luster. The amount of lead (cadmium) leached out is safe because the pigments do not contact food directly.

Underglaze color is a traditional decoration method in China. All the decorations of the products are done on the ceramic body and then fired once. Like the glaze color, this kind of product has no problem of excessive lead (cadmium).

Compared with the above three kinds of decoration, most of the underglaze colors are traditional blue and blue flowers, with monotonous color and moderate price; the underglaze colors are more abundant than the underglaze colors, and the products are of higher grade, but the process requirements are strict, the cost is high and the price is high. At present, the output of the industry is not large, so the domestic market investment in the glaze colored ceramics is also small. At present, more than 80% of the products sold on the market in China are glazed ceramics, some of which have reached the high-grade level, new style, good quality and high price. They can meet the needs of the urban high-wage class and high-grade hotels, but most of them are middle and low-grade products with moderate prices and meet the needs of ordinary people's family living standards.


Ceramic Coffee Cup Safety Knowledge Lead and cadmium 1

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,Ceramic mugs are necessarily daily necessities for consumers to eat three meals a day, and are closely related to everyone's life. As early as 10,000 years ago, our ancestors used clay and fire to make ceramics. After more than 5,000 years, ceramics have not disappeared in the long river of history. Instead, they have been loved by people for their unique practical functions, and continue to develop from the traditional field to the high-tech field.

In today's unprecedented development of science and technology, people have a new understanding and requirements on the performance and quality of ceramic tableware. Considering from the point of view of consumers'use, it is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: first, the release of trace elements harmful to human health, such as lead and cadmium, should not be excessive; second, because of direct contact with heated food or for food cooking or barbecue, products are required to have certain endurance ability when subjected to cold and heat shock, that is, a certain service life; third, the style and shape of products, floral surface. Design and appearance quality should be in line with the spirit of the times, instead of focusing solely on practicality, we should pursue high-end, multi-functional products that integrate practicality and artistic appreciation.

Since the reform and opening up, China's ceramic tea cups industry has entered a stage of rapid development. The restructuring of the industry has changed the ownership of ceramic enterprises from state-owned enterprises to state-owned shares, private enterprises, Sino-foreign joint ventures or wholly foreign-owned enterprises. Under the macro-policy control of introducing technology and equipment from abroad, carrying out the reform of state-owned enterprises at home, focusing on large-scale, small-scale and optimizing combination, a number of powerful and intensive backbone enterprises and enterprise groups have been formed. These enterprises have made great efforts in product quality and new product development by utilizing the advantages of policy and their own technological resources. Therefore, the overall level of these enterprises'products is comparable. High, the product style is novel, the quality is basically guaranteed, in the domestic market leading position, in the international market has also reached the middle and high-grade level. At the same time, the market economy has promoted the rapid development of a large number of individual and private enterprises, the number of Ceramic mug Manufacture has risen rapidly, and the output has also increased substantially. According to statistics, at present, there are more than 6,000 ceramics manufacturers of different scales in China, with an annual output of 12 billion pieces. The rapid rise of non-public enterprises has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the development of the industry. However, because most of these enterprises are simply built because of poor quality, neither technical equipment, nor quality management, production standards, the product quality is mostly rough appearance, poor internal quality. They put such inferior products on the market and dumped them at low prices, resulting in unfair competition among industries and confusion in market sales. Therefore, the current domestic ceramic market distribution situation is different prices, product quality is uneven.


History of Chaozhou Ceramic Coffee Mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,The ancestors of Chaozhou had produced pottery eight thousand years ago; the Han and Jin Dynasties had produced a large number of pottery, and the Tang Dynasty had been able to produce exquisite pottery. Bijiashan Kiln Area is an important carrier of Chaozhou Culture. Chaozhou kiln was in its heyday in the Northern Song Dynasty. The export of Chaozhou porcelain coffee mugs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the early years of the Republic was in good condition. Chaozhou kiln produces pottery thousands of years earlier than Jingde kiln.

On April 12, 2004, China Light Industry Federation and Ceramic Industry Association awarded Chaozhou the title of "China Porcelain Capital". This paper makes a comparison with Jingdezhen in three aspects: the history of making ceramics in Chaozhou, the scale of production and export, and the international influence. It draws a conclusion that Chaozhou ceramics have profound historical and cultural connotations.

1. Beyond the cold at the beginning of Biwa: Chaozhou produced a large number of ceramics during the Han and Jin Dynasties.

In the introduction of "China Atlas Jiangxi Province" published by Map Publishing House, "Jingdezhen City is located on the Anhui-Jiangxi Railway Line in the northeastern part of the province. It has a history of more than 1,600 years. It is one of the four famous towns in ancient China. In the Song Dynasty, Jingdeming Kiln was famous all over the country because of its well-developed ceramic industry, and it is known as"Porcelain Capital". There are two mistakes in this introduction. Firstly, although Jingdezhen and Zhuxian Town, which Yuefei defeated the Jinbing, Jinhua Town, and Foshan Town, which are rich in ham and well-developed in foundry industry, are the four famous towns in China, they are not related to "ancient times" because they were called "Jingdezhen" only in the late Qing Dynasty. Because in the concept of history, the late Qing Dynasty belonged to modern times rather than ancient times. Secondly, there was no "Jingde famous kiln" in Song Dynasty. Jingde was one of the years when Zhao Heng (998-1021) reigned in Song Zhenzong. It lasted only four years, that is, from 1004 to 107. Legend has it that at that time in Fuliang County, Raozhou, Jiangxi Province, China began to produce porcelains, so the name of the town is Nian. Today, the city was formerly known as "Dachang", which was the official kiln site built in Xuande Dynasty of Ming Dynasty (from 1426). From the perspective of Archaeology and relics, Jingdezhen has a history of large-scale porcelain making for more than 600 years, which is 400 years slower than Chaozhou's large-scale export of porcelain in the reign of Shenzong Xining in the Northern Song Dynasty (from 1068). It is groundless to say that there were famous Jingdezhen kilns in the Song Dynasty.

Fuliang County was founded only in the reign of Tang Xianzong and Yuan Dynasty (beginning in 806), which was more than 200 years slower than that of Chaozhou in the eleventh year (591) of Emperor Wendi's Kaihuang in Sui Dynasty, and more than 1800 years slower than that of Haiyang in the first year (1050 BC). Fuliang County was famous for its tea production in Tang and Song Dynasties, and Bai Juyi (772-846, Zile Tian, Taiyuan people) was a great poet of Tang Dynasty in his later years. In the long poem Pipa Xing, there is also the sentence "Buy tea from Fuliang the day before yesterday". Raozhou (including Fuliang) in the Song Dynasty also had factories producing tea for the Royal family. The large-scale firing of porcelain must take soil and cut down trees as fuel, which seems to be impermissible under the regulations of the imperial tea garden. It can be seen that the Song Dynasty may not be able to produce a large number of firing porcelain in the tea production area of Fuliang.

In Chaozhou, it is generally believed that Xining and Yuanyou in the Northern Song Dynasty produced pottery in Bijiashan in the eastern part of the city (its kiln site was designated as a key cultural relic protection unit in Guangdong Province in September 1961 and found as a national key cultural relic protection unit), but from the archaeological discovery, the ancestors of Chaozhou had produced pottery eight thousand years ago. In 1993, thick gray rope-shaped pottery pieces were unearthed on the south wall of the new opening at the end of Xiangshan Mountain in Houzhai Town, Raoping County, South Australia. According to Professor Zeng Qian of Sun Yat-sen University, they were produced 8,000 years ago, while a large number of pottery fragments were unearthed at the Baiqiu sites of Chen Qiao and Chihu Village in the outskirts of Chaozhou City, proving that pottery had been produced in large quantities in the outskirts of Chaozhou City more than 4,000 years As Mr. Rao Zongyi put forward, pottery chips unearthed in Chaozhou belong to various regions, with multi-linen patterns... Ceramics in the northwest are rare, which is the main feature of Yue culture in the south. From the preface of Chaoshan Archaeological Collection, Emperor Liu Bangfengyue will be the Haiyang Marquis of 1,800 households in Chengyi in the sixth year of the Han Dynasty (201 BC). He or his descendants have built a royal platform on the west side of Lianyang River (the former Chaozhou ancient seaport) in the north of Chengcheng City. From the large number of tiles, tiles and tiles unearthed from the site, it can be seen that Chaozhou was able to burn high-grade buildings at that time. Material for multi-tier and multi-storey high-rise palaces, such as 35 cm long, 17 cm wide and 5 cm thick Chinese bricks and pots, ladles, dishes, salivary pots and other utensils, especially tile, such high-level building materials, can not be used for decoration in general residential buildings. Up to now, only three Han Dynasty buildings with tiles have been found in Guangdong. One is Yuewangtai on the 4th Zhongshan Road in Guangzhou City, the other is Changle Platform on the Xiongshishan Mountain in Wuhua, Meizhou, and the other is Guishan Site. The Changlestai site of Zhao Tuo, king of South Vietnam, is located in the upper reaches of the Meijiang River of the Han River. It is also possible that the building materials were fired in Chaozhou and shipped to Xiongshishan to build the platform. Because the tile of the platform is similar to Guishan but different from Yuewangtai in Guangzhou, it is also known that the pottery production in Chaozhou was very prosperous and developed as early as 2000 years ago. The green glazed pottery pots collected by Chaozhou Museum in the Han Dynasty are also evidence that Chaozhou in the Han Dynasty was able to produce pottery.

In the southern slope of Wushiling Mountain, Tangpu Village, Guihu Town, Chaoan County, there is a funeral Tomb of Emperor Xiaowu of Jin Dynasty in the eleventh year of Taiyuan (386). Porcelain bowls, ceramic pegs and ceramic spinning wheels are unearthed. Eight pieces of porcelain were also unearthed in the next year's tombs in Gushan, Chaoyang, including Pankou chicken head pot, porcelain sheep, pottery box and lid, four-ear pot, etc. There are also Jin Dynasty porcelain sheep and pottery pots in Jieyang Museum. Their embryonic quality is the same as the remains of Shangpu Ceramic Kiln in Chaozhou North Kiln. Because there are chronological bricks in these two Jin tombs, it can be proved that Chaozhou was able to produce porcelain in the Eastern Jin Dynasty more than 1600 years ago. It proves that the combination of Han and Vietnamese cultural exchanges has formed the embryonic form of Chaozhou culture.