
Ceramic tableware & ceramic mug inspection standard

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,Ceramic Products Inspection Instructions Plates

1. Appearance: No more than 2 slag, no more than 2 glaze missing, no more than 2 glaze hanging and no more than 2 black spots (no more than 1 mm for each black spot). And each case can not exist more than three at the same time.

2. Non-visible: no more than 3 slags, no more than 3 glazes missing, no more than 3 glazes hanging and no more than 3 black spots (no more than 1 mm per black spot). And each case can not exist more than four at the same time.

3. Place the plate flat on the flat surface to check whether it is deformed. The standard is:

1) The following discs (including 9") slide a dollar coin along the edge of the disc. If the coin can easily pass through the gap between the disc and the flat surface, it will be unqualified.

2) More than 9 "discs (excluding 9") take two one-dollar coins and slide along the edge of the disc. If the coin can easily pass through the gap between the disc and the flat surface, it will be unqualified.

Note: The above must be carried out on the plane and the one yuan coin must be based on the one yuan RMB.

4. At the bottom of the plate, please pay attention to the polishing situation, put your hands on the top can not have a clear feeling of the rower, the qualified should be a smooth surface.

5. The polished bottom should be uniform, and there should be no indentation marks, or unqualified products.

6. While inspecting the bottom, please note that there should be no black bottom. It is slightly acceptable, but if the black bottom exceeds 1/4 of the total area, it will be unqualified.

7. The base mark should be located in the most central part of the bottom. If there is any large deviation or large sparkle, it will be unqualified. (The diameter of the spark range should not exceed 2.5 mm (including 2.5 mm))

8. Packaging should not be loose. It should meet the requirements of export packaging and be convenient for transportation and transportation.

9. Ceramic tableware & ceramic mug should be cleaner appearance, dirty products, please inform the factory to improve in time, otherwise the goods will be returned.

10. Note that the shape of all discs must be the same as the customer's requirements, and there should be no errors.

The sizes of discs below 11.9 (including 9") should not exceed the original 3%. The sizes of discs above 9 (excluding 9") should not exceed the original 2.5%.

The sizes of discs below 12.9 (including 9") should not exceed the original 3%. The sizes of discs above 9 (excluding 9") should not exceed the original 2.5%.


Production Process of Ceramic Mugs

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,1, Taoni kaolin is the best raw material for firing porcelain. For thousands of years, many fine ceramics have evolved from these insignificant clays. The first process of making porcelain: Taoni is to wash out the clay into usable clay.

2. Porcelain mugs washed out by piles of mud can not be used immediately. It should be separated into ceramic artworks and piled into columns to facilitate storage and billet drawing.

3. Put the stacked porcelain clay into the big turntable by drawing. Pull the porcelain clay into the ceramic blank by rotating the turntable, hand and drawing tool.

4, the finished ceramic blank is only a rudiment, and different impressions should be selected according to the shapes to be made to print the ceramic blank into different shapes.

5, the thickness of the newly printed blank is uneven. It is necessary to trim and scrape the printed blank neatly and evenly through the process of trimming. The trimming can be divided into wet and dry repair.

6, water rolling is an indispensable process, that is, to wash the dust off the billet with clean water, and to prepare for the next process of painting billet, glazing and so on.

7. Painting on the billet is a major feature of ceramic art. There are many kinds of billets. They are freehand and well-painted. Whatever the billets are, they are the highlights of the ceramic process.

8, glazed mug and painted ceramic  body is rough and dull, but after glazing, it is totally different, smooth and bright: different glazing techniques have totally different effects. The commonly used glazing methods include glaze dipping, glazing, glazing, spraying, glazing and brushing.

9. Kiln fires last for thousands of years. After dozens of exquisitely carved ceramic blanks, kiln fires withstand thousands of degrees of high temperature, like an ugly duckling about to turn into a beautiful swan. Now the kiln has gas kiln, electric kiln, etc.

10. After several days of firing, the ceramic billets in the kiln have become exquisite pieces of porcelain, which can't wait to stand out from the open kiln door.

11. Porcelain defect repair, a perfect piece of porcelain sometimes firing out will have a slight defect, with JS916-2 (Jinsu Cheng) repair, can make porcelain more perfect.


Categories and occasions of application of tableware

From Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,At present, the material of tableware in the market can be divided into pottery, bone china, reinforced glazed porcelain, reinforced porcelain, white porcelain, transparent crystal, glass and so on.

Pottery cooking utensils: Made of pottery clay, the important ingredients are brown or gray, thick and loose in texture, easy to be damaged, but rich in historical and cultural heritage.

Important supplies: Chinese and Japanese teapots or tea sets.

Suitable for the crowd: like tea, or chewing life.

Market Price: Large span.

20 Skull Porcelain Tableware Made of Jinchenghui Bone Porcelain in Chaozhou City

Bone Porcelain Tableware: According to the British standard of bone Porcelain, at least 30% of tricalcium phosphate from animal bones should be contained, and the finished product has transparency, which is called bone Porcelain. The texture of Bone China is superior. Compared with traditional celadon, Bone China has good light transmittance and can produce elegant, bright and moist texture like jade. In addition, Bone China has the characteristics of high plasticity, smooth glaze band color, gorgeous and moving colors, hard and durable texture and so on.

Important supplies: complete set of Bone China tableware, Bone China mug.

Suitable for crowds: Complete sets of bone china tableware are most suitable for family reunion, family drinks, and can also be used as gifts for the wedding and relocation of relatives and friends.

Market price: The complete set of bone china tableware and cooker belongs to high-grade cookers, and the general price is higher.

Strengthened glazed pottery cookers: Kaolin and silica are mixed, strengthened by high temperature above 1250 degrees, not easy to break, hard texture. It has the double characteristics of reinforced glass and reinforced porcelain.

Important supplies: Coffee to cup.

Suitable for the crowd: The ratio is suitable for young people.

Market price: The market price is generally high.

Strengthened Porcelain Cookers: Magnesium-containing ingredients, with high strength, acid and alkali resistance, lead-free poison, not easy to damage and so on.

Important supplies: general cooking utensils.

Suitable for the crowd: It is ideal for all kinds of households.

Market price: moderate ratio.

White Porcelain Cookware: Celadon, also fired at high temperature, is the most common celadon, relatively easy to break.

Important supplies: general household cooking utensils, such as mugs, etc.

Suitable for the crowd: ordinary families.

Market price: low.

Transparent Crystal Cookware: Transparent crystal is a composite of silica, which contains lead oxide, potassium carbonate, potassium nitrate, arsenic and so on. Each manufacturer produces or prescribes differently. Transparent crystal products are relatively fragile.

Important supplies: high-grade ornamental works of art, wine vessels, fruit plates and so on.

Suitable for the crowd: those with high living standards.

Market price: Everything has a high ratio.

Glass products: Glass products are also silicon oxide composites, although there is no transparent crystal products millimeter light splash, but also clear and natural. Glass products are as fragile as transparent crystals.

Important supplies: all kinds of cups or vases, etc.

Suitable for the crowd: general family.

Market price: more affordable.

Heat-resistant glass cookers: Heat-resistant glass products are based on glass products, adding heat-resistant materials.

Important supplies: teapots, etc.

Suitable for the crowd: general family.

Market price: mid-range.


Development of Ceramic Teaware

From : Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,As the home of tea, China has a long history of tea sets. Teaware culture is also an integral part of tea culture. How did the ceramic tea set develop?

The oldest tea set in history, probably made of pottery, is similar to today's tea pots in Sichuan and Yunnan. It can be used to make tea as well as to hold tea. Though simple in shape, it is heavy and rough. Since the Western Han Dynasty, glazed pottery tea sets have appeared with bright and smooth appearance and bright colors, showing the artistry of tea sets. In the Tang Dynasty, ceramic tea sets were the main type, while gold, silver, copper, tin and other metal tea sets appeared in the aristocracy and wealthy families. In Song Dynasty, black glazed Calendula was the main type of tea set for tea fighting. There were many green and white glazed tea sets in Yuan Dynasty, and purple sand pots appeared in the middle of Ming Dynasty. By the Qing Dynasty, tea wares such as Guangzhou Golden-coloured Porcelain and Fuzhou bodiless lacquerware came out one after another. In modern times, there are glass tea sets and Enamel Tea sets. China's tea sets have a total of thousands of manners, and the art of tea sets is gorgeous and colorful.

There is a close relationship between tea sets and tea drinking methods.

The tea drinking method in Tang and Song Dynasties was to Steamed Fresh leaves, mashed into cakes, and then dried with ropes, called "tea cake" or "cake tea". Tea drinkers grind cake tea into crumbs (also known as final tea) and boil it in a pot to allow the tea to permeate and drink again, so the tea sets at that time were very complicated. Lu Yu, a tea saint, listed 28 kinds of tea sets in his book The Fourth Articles of the Tea Classic. In addition to the tea sets commonly used for boiling, drinking and storing tea, there are also tea sets used for grinding tea: tea grinding and tea Luo.

Tea grinding is a tool for grinding tea. There are wooden tea mill and stone tea mill. Wood tea mills are made from hard, fine, odorless wood. The first class is orange, the second is pear, mulberry, Tung and so on. The grinding of this kind of wood tea consists of "grinding plate" and "grinding down". The shape of the grinding plate is square, and the holes in the middle are cut into round holes, which just allow "degeneration". Rolling down is a log with a wheel in the middle. When grinding tea, the tea cake is crushed by rotating the hand-held shaft and crushing the tea cake by crushing and pressing between the crushing plates.

Tea Luo is called "sieve", and Tea Shenglu Yu calls it "Luohe". The loops are made of bamboo or Chinese fir by baking and bending, and painted on the surface of the loops. Luomian is made of spinning silk. When sifting the tea, cover it to prevent the tea from drifting away. In the Song Dynasty, the Luohuan of Chaluo was fastidiously made of gold and silver, while the Luomian was made of fine silk painted by Sichuan Exi. Tea tasters at that time mostly used tea grinding and self-grinding.

Since Tang and Song Dynasties, tea sets can be divided into pottery tea sets according to their texture. Porcelain tea sets, lacquerware tea sets, metal tea sets. Glass tea sets, bamboo and wood tea sets, etc. In the Song Dynasty, the production of porcelain tea sets was extremely prosperous, and various styles of porcelain tea sets appeared. At that time, the famous porcelain kilns were: Hangzhou Guanyao. Five famous kilns are Longquan Geyao Kiln in Zhejiang Province, Ruzhou Ruyao in Henan Province, Junzhou Junyao in Henan Province and Dingzhou Ding Kiln in Hebei Province. The development of tea sets in China has always been closely related to the development of ceramics.

In Tang and Song Dynasties, because of the use of decocting tea juice, the decocting kettle was made of more metal products, with "gold and silver as the best" and "tea bottle" as the frying water, also known as "decocting bottle".

With the change of tea-making and tea-drinking fashion, from grinding and decocting tea cakes in the Tang and Song Dynasties to boiling the whole leaf with fresh leaves in a pot in the Yuan Dynasty (also known as "evaporating green strips"), to the Ming Dynasty, the "steaming green" was further changed to "fried green", and the method of drinking tea was changed from boiling and drinking to soaking. Therefore, in addition to the original teapots and cups, there was a special "teapot" for tea tasting in the Ming Dynasty. From then on, the teapot and the teapot became the most basic teapot.

Ming and Qing dynasties pay attention to elaborate work and decoration. The cultural atmosphere on tea sets has become more and more strong. In the Qing Dynasty, the production of tea sets entered an unprecedented and colorful period. The main materials for making tea sets, pottery tea sets and porcelain tea sets have been further developed, forming two series of world-famous Jingdezhen porcelain and Yixing purple sand pottery.

Chinese tea sets have been developing and innovating in the long course of history, and their artistry has been continuously enhanced, which has high aesthetic value. In the process of tea tasting, people appreciate all kinds of tea sets at the same time, which has become a natural derivation of tea tasting and a warm and pleasant aesthetic process.


Lead and Cadmium in Ceramic Mugs

From:Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,A 2-year-old child died suddenly in Vancouver, Canada. Medical tests found that the cause of death was that the child drank apple

juice from a colored pot for 29 consecutive days, resulting in lead poisoning.

The harmfulness of lead pollution to children is often potential. Before the damage to the central nervous system, it often lacks obvious and typical clinical

manifestations and is easy to be neglected. More seriously, the toxic effect of lead on the central nervous system is irreversible. When children's blood lead level

exceeds 1 mg/L, it will cause irreversible damage to intelligence development. At present, lead is an internationally recognized carcinogenic toxic substance.

The National Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision has published the results of spot checks on the quality of domestic ceramic tableware, and the qualified rate

is only 54.4%. Most of the unqualified products come from collective, individual and private small enterprises, in which the content of lead and cadmium is too high.

The leaching amount of lead mainly comes from ceramic mugs pigments decals, such as too large area of decorative materials, inadequate baking temperature or

improper processing, will cause lead to excessive leaching amount. The imported colored porcelain articles from abroad can not be taken lightly. Recently, Hong Kong

Customs inspected 600 kinds of ceramic tableware from Japan, Italy, Britain, Portugal and other countries, including bowls, dishes, cups and spoons of different sizes.

The results showed that 526 items did not meet the international standards, and the failure rate was as high as 88%.

Baby bottles with various bright patterns can make children sick, which many parents had never expected. Not long ago, the Chinese Consumer Association announced that

he had found a surprising amount of heavy metals released from colored patterns on the surface of several brands of bottles, which exceeded the European safety

standards by 2.20 times and chromium by 1.5 times.

Therefore, in daily life, besides sanitation and disinfection, children should avoid using glazed ceramic tableware and crystal products which are too beautiful.

Especially, they should not drink fruit juices or acid drinks which are stored for a long time in order to avoid lead poisoning hidden killer and damage their bodies.

In addition, infant (infant food) bottles, water cups and so on should not be used crystal products and surface patterns gorgeous eye-catching. Eating more garlic,

eggs, milk, fruit and mung bean soup, radish juice and so on in daily diet can reduce the toxicity of lead pollution.


Types of ceramic mugs materials - Purple clay pottery

From:Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacture,Purple sand pottery originated in Song Dynasty and flourished in Ming Dynasty. It is a special product of Dingshan in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. It chooses purple sand mud from armor mud with high iron content. There are special glazed pottery made of purple mud, green mud, yellow mud and other clays. The products are reddish brown, light yellow, green, purple, black and other colors. Because purple sand mud has the advantages of fine texture, strong plasticity, high binding force, small shrinkage (about < 2%) and small deformation, the shape of the product is regular and fine and changeable. It mostly produces medium and small household utensils and display pottery, such as small single pot (holding pot), tea sets, vases, flower bowls, shallow water, etc.

Purple sand pottery is fired in an oxidizing flame, and its firing temperature is generally between 1100 and 1200 C. It has a certain water absorption, and its porosity is between pottery and porcelain. Therefore, the purple sand pot made tea does not lose its original flavor, strong color, fragrance, tea is not easy to mildew deterioration, good thermal stability, durable, there is a "world tea set first" story, many color varieties and other characteristics, welcomed by people at home and abroad.

Purple sand pottery is traditionally made by inlaying method, which is still inherited today. Nowadays, there are also grouting methods for mass production. Rigorous shape, standard specifications, variable shape, there are geometric shapes, but also natural shapes, very rich. Because it is not glazed, mostly adopt engraving and mosaic decoration'pay attention to the traditional techniques of stone carving, very simple and generous, intriguing.